Journey to discover tea places: Taiwan

Journey to discover tea places: Taiwan

In recent weeks, we started telling you about our trip to Taiwan in search of small producers of Taiwanese tea with tradition and the meeting with Vivi and Denny. Today we continue the story of these incredible two weeks in Asia.

Taiwan 2018 - Discovering Rare Teas

It is not easy to describe an experience as intense as this trip has been. We left on May 8th and returned on the 25th, for a total of 17 days of travel. Once in Taiwan, we traveled around the entire island, covering the entire coast to the southern tip and then returning to the capital Taipei, located in the north. A different place every day. Only twice did we stay in the same place for 2 days. During our trip, we met about 15 different tea masters, with their plantations, their teas, their families, and stories. We drank liters and liters of tea with them. Always warmly welcomed. Everyone was amazed by our journey, the kilometers traveled to meet them, the source from which the teas you drink today come.  

But how did you manage to go there and find these people?

What was our method of searching for tea masters? Hard to say, we have our little secrets, we can't reveal everything, but generally, we rely on the sacred principle of "Seek and you shall find." It works incredibly. Just have good and healthy intentions, and the things one seeks and wants will manifest. Especially when one strives to achieve them.

What did we learn on our trip to Taiwan?

We learned a lot about the characteristics of Taiwanese teas, especially how the different processing stages that the leaves undergo influence the final taste. We saw the art that passed through the hands of these gentlemen who have spent their lives on tea plants. Everyone was proud of their teas as if they were their children. The result of years of refining cultivation and processing techniques. Honored that we, from Italy, had ventured there to meet them and document their existence and skill. We also experienced firsthand the importance of organic cultivation for the land itself, for the plants, and for our future. Many farmers have experienced the damages of pesticides and fertilizers firsthand. 90% of the teas we brought from Taiwan are organic even though they are not certified. You can find the teas we brought from Taiwan on our website today. Each one is described in the following article.

Special Mention

A special recognition goes to: The tea sage hut. A zen center where Cha Do is practiced: the way of tea. It was an enlightening encounter that offered us a completely new perspective on the world of tea, of which we had only vaguely heard. The guys at the Tea Sage Hut practice the way of tea. It's hard to explain what it means. Surely it has to do with service, presence, kindness of manners, and a certain way of thinning the spirit. We invite you to visit their website, and to come to our store for a well-prepared Gong Fu Cha, full of all the teachings of those days, to drink together these fantastic teas that we brought back.  

Terza Luna Posted by Terza Luna
Plant Lovers