Quality loose leaf tea, different from tea bags, is a growing market that is gaining more and more consumers. Terza Luna offers you the opportunity to be part of this world in the simplest way: by setting up a "Terza Luna corner" in your business.

To resell tea, herbal teas, and loose spices (in kg packages), contact us to receive our reseller price list and sales conditions.

We provide you with everything you need to start selling loose leaf tea: jars with the innovative smelling glass system, tea and herbal teas in kg packages, tea bags, closure clips, and labels for packaging.
Tea is a very fascinating world, there are many things to know and learn. We consider knowledge in this field a fundamental requirement to give the right value to our products and transfer it accordingly to your customers.
For this reason, for Terza Luna resellers, training is free.

You will become part of the Terza Luna reseller network, which means you will be listed on the map of resellers on our website and receive online or in-person training on tea, spices, and herbal teas. It is a fascinating world, the culture you will develop on all these products will be the added value that customers seek today.


If you have a grocery store, a gourmet shop, and you do not want or cannot package, we offer you our line of packaged tea and herbal teas. Convenient, easy, ready to be sold, with packaging that captures the customer.


Contact us to receive our packaged price list and sales conditions. You can view our catalogs for resellers on this page


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