Candida: What It Is, Natural Remedies, and Diet to Cure It

Candida: What It Is, Natural Remedies, and Diet to Cure It

Natural Remedies Against Candida: How to Treat and Prevent It

Many people throughout their lives have to deal with candida, an infection caused by the increase of the Candida albicans fungus, a normal yeast present in the bacterial flora that tends to proliferate in situations of stress, poor diet, or antibiotic use, transforming into a pathogen. In women, candida manifests itself especially as vaginal candidiasis, causing burning, redness, itching, and mucous discharge. Vaginal candida can be treated by resorting to adjustments that mainly concern dietary habits and lifestyle, as well as some natural remedies, useful also in the prevention phase. In this article, we will delve into what are the symptoms and causes of candida and how to prevent and treat it naturally and effectively.

natural candida remedies

Candida: What It Is and Symptoms

Candida, Candida albicans, is a fungus or yeast normally present in the bacterial flora of our body, an integral part of our microbiome. It is found particularly in the intestinal mucosa and is a yeast generally harmless and functional to the body, as it is involved in sugar digestion. However, when due to various external factors such as stress or a poor lifestyle, the intestinal bacterial flora is damaged and weakened, and the immune system can no longer control the proliferation of this fungus, candida becomes a pathogen, responsible for infections that can afflict any part of the body, but more commonly affect the genital mucosa (vaginal candidiasis) and oral (oral thrush). Vaginal candidiasis is one of the most frequent manifestations of candida and affects many women at least once in their lifetime, however, candida can also affect men and trigger infections in other parts of the body.

The symptoms of candida depend specifically on the area where the infection occurs, but generally include itching, burning, redness, in the case of vaginal candida the presence of a milky mucus in the intimate parts (also characteristic of thrush), and a general weakening of the body. It is very common, in people affected by candida, to also experience dizziness, autoimmune problems, or chronic fatigue: these consequences are not directly caused by candida, but issues that often accompany it, caused by the weakening of immune and intestinal defenses.

Causes of Candida

Many people think that the causes of candida are due to poor intimate or sexual hygiene. In reality, although precautions in this regard are fundamental for genital health, they have nothing to do with candida, which is instead caused by a lowering of immune defenses and in particular by a poor state of intestinal health.

As we have already said, Candida albicans is naturally part of the intestinal bacterial flora and causes infection only when there is damage to the natural intestinal flora, creating the conditions for candida to proliferate and take over. The weakening of the immune system can be caused by various factors that favor the development of candida, such as the use of antibiotics, poor diet, stressful situations, alcohol and smoking abuse, as well as the presence of diabetes or anemia, which contribute to the decrease of immune defenses and the weakening of the microbiome - ideal conditions for the increase of candida. The use of antibiotics is often one of the most overlooked causes of candida, and it is important, if you are under antibiotic therapy, to take probiotics in combination, in order to strengthen your immune defenses: antibiotics are ineffective against candida, as they kill bacteria, while candida is a fungus, and in such condition it can colonize the body.

To summarize, the main causes that lead to an increase in candida are: - Stress - Poor diet - Excessive sugar consumption - Antibiotics or corticosteroids - Diabetes - Weakening of the immune system - Excessive alcohol consumption - Smoking - Anemia These conditions are common and normal in the lives of many people, and indeed candida is a rather widespread disorder. Many people ask us what the natural remedies are to treat candida: in this regard, it is important to know that candida can be treated, but even more important is to prevent it through a healthy and regular lifestyle. How to Cure Candida: What to Do and What Not to Do To cure candida, it is possible to resort to some natural remedies and preventive actions useful to prevent the weakening of the bacterial flora and the proliferation of the fungus. A very important step is to follow a healthy diet, avoiding certain foods such as those rich in sugars or refined flours, which weaken our immune defenses and provide nourishment for candida. In addition to this, it would be good to introduce some good habits into our lives that help reduce infections and prevent recurrences: - Avoid using synthetic clothing and overly aggressive detergents, preferring natural fibers; - Take care of intimate and sexual hygiene; - Avoid using external pads; - Avoid smoking and alcohol; - Engage in light physical activity and avoid sedentary behavior; - Avoid scratching itchy areas, rather alleviate with natural remedies. However, the most effective remedy consists in nourishing our body and therefore the microorganisms of the bacterial flora capable of strengthening the immune system and defeating the advancement of candida. A healthy, balanced diet with the right nutrients is fundamental in the prevention and treatment plan for candida: in this article, we suggest an "anti-candida" diet low in sugars and complex carbohydrates, but rich in nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants: let's discover the benefits of this dietary plan in the next paragraph. Anti-Candida Diet: What to Eat and What Not to Eat to Treat Candida Nutrition is considered the most important aspect to address in order to get rid of candida. Following a healthy, balanced diet, low in simple sugars and rich in nutrients is the best way to strengthen the immune system and create an unfavorable environment for the proliferation of the fungus, contributing to the elimination of toxins. What does the anti-candida diet consist of? The first step should be the elimination of processed and/or frozen foods, rich in added sugars and preservatives, substances that promote damage to the intestinal bacterial flora and the subsequent dominance of the fungus. It is also important, in an optimal anti-candida diet, to eliminate any type of refined sugar, minimize the consumption of lactose, simple carbohydrates like white flour, and alcohol.

Observing a healthy diet, accompanied by the consumption of foods and ingredients with antibacterial and antifungal properties is the most effective treatment to restore the body to health and cure this annoying infection: the dietary plan, along with other types of precautions previously mentioned, should be maintained for 2-3 months, even after the disappearance of symptoms. It is important to remember that candida is a fungus naturally present in the bacterial flora, therefore it is not possible to "eliminate it", but simply counteract its proliferation: this is why it is important to constantly encourage the good bacteria present in the intestinal flora, maintaining the diet for at least a couple of months and making sure not to resume those bad habits—both in lifestyle and diet—that would certainly bring candida back to the state of opportunistic pathogen.

The diet proposed here as a remedy for candida is in fact nothing more than a healthy and balanced diet, optimal for the health of the body, for strengthening the immune system and therefore to prevent the appearance of all those related disorders due to the lowering of immune defenses and damage to the microbiome. It is likely that candida facilitates the appearance of other disorders related to a poor immune response, therefore treating it through an appropriate diet also allows to take preventive action on all fronts.

In the book The Candida Cure, cited here as a source for the definition of the anti-candida diet, the author Ann Boroch explains how, in her experience, following an anti-candida diet well beyond the disappearance of symptoms allowed her to restore her health and microbiome, as well as to get rid of other infections and inflammations (such as mononucleosis, sinusitis, and ear infections) caused precisely by a too weak immune system and irreparably damaged by a stressful life, a diet full of sugars and processed carbohydrates, and the continuous intake of antibiotics.

To understand the importance of nutrition in the treatment of candida, it is essential to understand how the food we eat is functional to the vital functions of the cells in our body: once digested, food is broken down into fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, and other complexes that serve as nourishment for the cells, therefore it is easy to understand the cruciality of consuming the right food to allow the body and the immune system to perform their vital functions correctly: a balanced and healthy diet can maintain a healthy body or bring it back to this state, and therefore a healthy diet can counteract candida or prevent its recurrence. In the following sections, we will illustrate some changes that can be made to one's diet to provide the body with the necessary nutrients to treat candida, eliminating all those foods that instead promote its proliferation.

candida diet

What to Eat to Cure Candida

An antifungal diet to defeat candida should be based on the consumption of vegetables. According to The Candida Cure, the correct percentages should be 60% organic vegetables, 20% organic animal proteins, 15% whole carbohydrates, and 5% fruits, nuts, and legumes. The first rule to remember if you want to treat candida through diet is indeed that candida is fueled by the consumption of simple carbohydrates, therefore it will be necessary to cut them from your diet; there are also other precautions and specific foods to consume to help get rid of the infection: let's see them together.

  • Consuming Organic Foods: synthetic pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides used in cultivation can negatively affect the microbiome and mucosal health, promoting conditions for candida growth, as well as damaging the liver and kidneys. This also includes protein consumption, as animals are often fed feed grown with pesticides.
  • Consuming Animal Proteins: animal proteins, once digested, release amino acids important for cellular regeneration and tissue repair. Consuming animal meat also helps rebalance blood sugar levels. It is important to consume small portions at least three times a week. For an anti-candida diet, white meats such as chicken, turkey, and fish are preferable, but lamb can also be an option - excessive consumption of red meat could increase inflammation due to saturated fat content. It is essential that meats come from organic farms.
  • Consuming Vegetables: a plant-based diet is essential to fight candida thanks to the phytonutrient content, such as beta-carotene and anthocyanins, which help maintain and regenerate overall health, not only in the immune system but also in the cardiovascular and skeletal systems. The alkaline properties of vegetables also help reduce acidity in the body, contributing to reducing inflammation and creating an unfavorable environment for candida proliferation. Therefore, 60% of one's diet should consist of vegetables, especially leafy greens, the most nutrient-rich, and try to consume them raw, as cooking destroys essential enzymes.
  • Consuming Herbs and Kitchen Plants: it is important to incorporate herbs, fresh or dried in tea, into your diet: cilantro, rosemary, oregano, thyme, dill, and sage are all excellent herbs to include in your diet for a supply of minerals, vitamins, beta-carotene, and antioxidants.
  • Consuming Fruit in Moderation: as fruit has high sugar content. However, fruit also contains many vitamins and minerals, as well as important antioxidants, so consuming small quantities could be beneficial. Prefer raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, kiwi, and apricots over other types of fruit, and limit fruit consumption even after the 2-3 month detox period of the diet.
  • Consuming Whole Foods: it is very important to consume complex carbohydrates in minimal quantities, i.e., grains that have not been stripped of their fiber: amaranth, kamut, quinoa, oats, rye, and whole wheat flour are excellent substitutes for classic white flour, and contain significant amounts of B vitamins. Ideally, daily carbohydrate consumption should be around 50 grams, remembering that fruits and vegetables also contain them.
  • Consuming Good Fats: fats are also very important in the anti-candida diet, as they are needed by the body to build and nourish cells. In this dietary regimen, it is important to consume omega-3 and omega-6, which the body does not produce on its own and must be introduced through the diet. These fats are important for regulating blood pressure and heart rate, and reducing inflammation, making them part of the candida diet. They can be obtained through fish, flaxseeds, olive oil, and some types of nuts.
  • Reducing Legume Consumption: legumes and beans are often considered a healthy food and introduced into diets: they are rich in protein but also starch, which in the body turns into sugars and can feed candida. Legumes are also rich in substances that can irritate the intestinal mucosa, so it is recommended to consume them in moderation or eliminate them entirely in the first two months of the diet program. If you want to consume them, it is recommended to season them with sage, thyme, oregano, rosemary, or turmeric, as they will aid in digestion. Soy is also one of the foods to avoid in the candida diet, as this product is often highly processed.
  • Avoiding Fermented Foods: this precaution may seem contradictory, as many suggest consuming yogurt and other probiotic-rich foods to treat candida and support the bacterial flora: it would actually be preferable to avoid fermented foods, as they can initially worsen and increase candida. Therefore, avoid yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, and yeast. The suggestion is to cut them out completely for the three months of the diet and then gradually reintroduce them into your diet.
Terza Luna Posted by Terza Luna
Plant Lovers