Matcha Tea Granola: Recipe

Matcha Tea Granola: Recipe

Matcha vegan and gluten-free granola

For all granola enthusiasts, today we want to bring you the recipe for a delicious Japanese matcha granola, for a breakfast that stands out as a symphony of flavors and well-being. The perfect union between the rustic crunchiness of granola and the unmistakable aroma of matcha green tea, this delight is more than just a breakfast: it is a morning ritual that nourishes body and spirit. Today, we will guide you through the creation of a version that celebrates the purity of nature: a vegan and gluten-free recipe that caresses the palate and awakens the senses. Get ready to discover how to transform your first moments of the day into a refined and energizing gastronomic experience.

matcha granola

Matcha granola

The matcha granola that we want to share with you today is a delicacy that dresses in simplicity and ingredient nobility.

With a base of whole oats, selected for its ability to release energy gradually, and crunchy almonds, which with their rich and slightly sweet flavor harmoniously blend with the matcha powder, the green treasure of Japan, this crunchy recipe will conquer your palate.

This blend, once toasted, turns into a concentrate of golden crunchiness, inviting to be enjoyed not only in the morning but at any break time as a regenerating snack or as a final touch on a cup of yogurt or fresh fruit.

Matcha, known for its multiple benefits, is a powerful health ally: rich in antioxidants, it helps improve concentration and maintain a balanced metabolism. Its presence in granola not only enriches the nutritional profile with its energizing and detoxifying properties but also gives a vibrant color and a distinctive taste that elevates the dish.

In this vegan and gluten-free interpretation of matcha granola, every bite is a sensory journey that respects the environment and the body. Here, the absence of gluten is not a sacrifice but a conscious choice for an inclusive and attentive diet for everyone's needs. Nutrient and light, this granola is a hymn to vitality: rich in fiber, plant proteins, and unsaturated fats, it offers a perfect balance to start the day with taste and well-being.

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Vegan matcha granola recipe

The preparation of this matcha granola stands out for its simplicity and the high quality of the ingredients. Here's how to make this delicious start to the day:

  • Preparation Time: 35 minutes


  • 200g of gluten-free oats
  • 8g of organic matcha tea
  • 50g of agave syrup
  • 55g of raw almonds
  • 50g of vegetable oil


  1. Preheat the oven to 175°C.
  2. In a large bowl, mix the oats with the matcha.
  3. Add chopped almonds for a crunchy texture.
  4. Add agave syrup and vegetable oil, stirring until homogeneous.
  5. Spread the mixture on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper in an even layer.
  6. Bake for about 30 minutes, or until golden and crunchy.
  7. Let cool and then crumble to the desired size.

Buy Organic Matcha Tea on Terzaluna


Store in an airtight container to maintain freshness and crunchiness for up to two weeks.


Customize your granola by adding various seeds such as pumpkin or sunflower seeds, or enrich it with dried fruit for a touch of natural sweetness. Enjoy it with plant-based yogurt or almond milk for a nutritious breakfast or as a tasty snack during the day.

Nutritional Values

Matcha tea granola is a nutrient powerhouse: each serving provides complex carbohydrates, plant-based proteins, healthy fats, and a significant dose of fiber. Matcha contributes antioxidants and thermogenic properties that can boost metabolism. Moreover, being gluten-free and vegan, it suits various dietary needs. For specific nutritional values, it is recommended to calculate them based on the ingredients used and any customizations made to the original recipe. 


The beauty of matcha tea granola lies in its versatility. This crunchy base is perfect for being enriched with your favorite ingredients.

Here are some variants to make each morning unique:

  • With Chocolate: Add pieces of vegan dark chocolate to the base recipe after baking, for a delicious surprise with every bite.
  • Tropical Energy: Incorporate dehydrated coconut and dried pineapple or mango pieces for an exotic touch that transports you under the tropical sun.
  • Symphony of Seeds: For an omega-3 boost, enrich your granola with ground chia or flax seeds. A nutritious mix that takes care of your well-being.
  • Autumnal Notes: Combine warm spices like cinnamon, ginger, or nutmeg with your granola, and perhaps some toasted hazelnuts, for a version that smells of changing seasons.
  • Berry Delight: Finally, for lovers of berries, add dehydrated goji berries or blueberries to the cooled granola for an explosion of natural antioxidants.

Each variation brings new flavors and benefits, allowing you to adapt your breakfast to personal preferences.

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