Natural remedies for headaches

Natural remedies for headaches

When we sleep little, spend too many hours staring at computers and smartphones, or go through particularly stressful periods of life, an unwelcome companion can show up in our days: headache.

Presenting itself as a feeling of heaviness or throbbing pain, which in its chronic forms is accompanied by nausea and dizziness, headache is a condition that risks interfering with our daily routine, making us tired, unfocused, and sensitive to too bright lights or loud sounds.

Fortunately, plants offer us numerous natural remedies for headaches capable of restoring the well-being and concentration we need!

Do you want to discover what they are? Keep reading!


Headache: causes and types

Headache is characterized as a localized, dull, or throbbing pain at the base of the neck or inside the head.

The causes that lead to the onset of headaches are quite varied and include unbalanced lifestyle habits, hormonal dysfunctions, a diet poor in vitamins, and muscle and joint inflammations.

In general, we can distinguish three forms of headaches:

tension headache, caused by the involuntary and continuous contraction of the muscles in the nape, neck, shoulders, and temples. It presents with a persistent pain of medium intensity, which can last from a few hours to a few days;

migraine, which presents as an intense and throbbing pain localized on one side of the head. Since it tends to last from 4 hours to 3 days, extending to the temples and eyes, migraines can limit the normal performance of daily activities;

cluster headache, the least common but most intense form of headache. Like migraines, cluster headaches generally affect only one side of the head and are characterized by a stabbing and piercing pain. Episodes are frequent and close together during a single day, lasting on average from 15 minutes to 3 hours.

Based on our type of headache, we can find effective natural remedies by choosing from botanicals with anti-inflammatory, relaxing, or adaptogenic qualities. Let's see them together!


Natural remedies for tension headache

Incorrect posture and lack of physical activity weaken our muscles and joints, leading to the appearance of tension headaches.

However, we cannot ignore that states of high stress, anxiety, and depression also increase the likelihood of feeling the typical soreness and heaviness associated with this type of headache.

Among the natural remedies for headaches, to relax the muscles and improve our mood, we can find valuable help in adaptogenic botanicals like natural muscle relaxants such as Lavender.

Thanks to its relaxing and sedative properties, Lavender is the perfect natural remedy for headaches caused by nervousness and muscle pain.

To enjoy its effects, simply massage a few drops of Lavender essential oil on the temples whenever needed. If you prefer a more prolonged effect, you can diffuse its essential oil or scented incense in the environments where you spend your day.

Try Lavender essential oil


Natural remedies for migraines

According to some studies in Western medicine, migraines are caused by vasoconstriction that leads to a reduced blood flow to certain areas of the brain.

Hormonal imbalances, a diet rich in preservatives and additives, lack of rest, and excessive caffeine consumption are the main causes of blood vessel restriction and the consequent intense pain typical of migraines.

In this case, the mother tincture of Devil's Claw proves to be an exceptional natural remedy. Its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, in fact, stimulate circulation and vasodilation. Taking 3 drops of mother tincture 3 times a day will provide immediate relief from headaches.

Buy the Devil's Claw Mother Tincture

If we tend to suffer from migraines in the days before menstruation, we can turn to botanicals capable of regulating our hormone levels.

Melissa, Chamomile and Valerian are among the most suitable to alleviate the discomfort of premenstrual headache. Their calming action, in fact, soothes the pain and induces an immediate sense of relaxation.

To enjoy their benefits, we can use them to prepare an herbal tea or infusion to sip in the afternoon or evening, just before going to bed.

Natural remedies for cluster headaches

Although it is the least common form of headache, cluster headache can negatively affect our days.

Jet lag and poor rest, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, and nicotine addiction are among the triggering factors of cluster headaches as they interfere with the functions of the hypothalamus, a gland involved in hormonal regulation.

Botanicals with analgesic and adaptogenic properties like Myrrh and Sage are perfect natural remedies for headaches caused by cluster headaches, increasing the production of dopamine and serotonin.

Among the natural remedies for headaches, we can include herbal teas and infusions to sip when the pain occurs. To immediately enjoy their herbal qualities, we can also opt for an essential oil.

Massaging a few drops of their essential oil on the temples or at the base of the forehead is enough to immediately feel relief from the pain.

The Peppermint , refreshing and balsamic, also has an effective analgesic action against the symptoms of cluster headaches.
Massaging a few drops of Peppermint essential oil on the temples is enough to restore mental clarity and concentration.

Always keep Peppermint essential oil at home

If episodes of cluster headaches occur regularly, however, it is always advisable to seek advice from your doctor to further investigate the causes of the symptoms and identify appropriate therapy.

Preventing headaches naturally

Given the great variability of its causes and symptoms, can we really prevent headaches?

Sure! Just adopt a few simple daily habits to reduce the risk of headaches and migraines:

drink at least 2 liters of water a day, always keeping our body well hydrated. Dehydration, in fact, increases the chances of suffering from tension headaches and migraines;

sleeping 6 to 8 hours a night, as nighttime rest is able to regulate our hormone levels and facilitate the work of the hypothalamus;

● **eating seasonal fruits and vegetables,** rich in vitamins and natural antioxidants that increase the natural defenses of our body; ● **maintaining a correct posture** to avoid strains and muscle stress responsible for tension headaches; ● **regularly practicing sports activities,** to promote blood oxygenation, strengthen muscle fibers, and release endorphins with a calming effect. These practices of self-love and care towards our precious bodies are the most effective natural remedies to fight headaches and restore the lightness we need to live our days with serenity. ## Related Articles - [Cacao Ceremony: What It Is and How to Prepare It]( - [Agnocasto: Properties, Benefits, and Uses]( - [Herbal Tea for Stomach Ache: Among the Most Effective Natural Remedies](
Terza Luna Posted by Terza Luna
Plant Lovers