New lunar calendar: how to use it and how it influences our life

New lunar calendar: how to use it and how it influences our life

Discover all the secrets of the moon with the new lunar calendar

Dear Theophiles, the month of February brings a new gift from the Third Moon world: a precious lunar calendar, designed by our designer Paola Panza. Excellent for keeping track of natural cycles and always knowing the perfect time to take care of ourselves. Gift it, share it, print it, use it as a desktop or wallpaper, it will always be there for you to be useful!

What's that? You don't know how to use it?

Understanding what the moon is is fundamental, because it has strong influences on man and his biological rhythm. The moon is not just a satellite that revolves around the earth: each phase conditions our daily life in different ways, exerting a magical and mystical power. Throughout history, man has wondered about its effects and even today there are many secrets related to it. Our ancestors, for example, knew perfectly well that the moon has a powerful influence on the earth, determining natural phenomena such as tides, but also influencing the success of activities such as watering, fertilizing, planting, harvesting medicinal herbs, and more. Many calendars in the past were based on the moon's course, because its position in the zodiac is much more significant for everyday life than that of the sun.

The moon and its cycle

To understand the power of the moon, we must learn to observe its changes and how it acts in relation to the earth and the sun. The moon revolves around the earth creating a path that repeats cyclically, which can be divided into four phases:

  1. New moon, we do not see it in the sky. Once chosen as the perfect period for sowing, today the new moon represents the ideal time to launch new projects, deepen knowledge, or ask for a raise. It is the perfect time to turn words into action.
  2. Waxing moon, we see it as a crescent with the hump facing east. Farmers, who had sown during the new moon, began to see the first sprouts during this phase. If you have started projects, in this phase you will begin to see the first signs of change. It is time to evaluate the results. Also, as all hairdressers know, it is the right time to cut hair.
  3. Full moon, we see it as a beautiful round disk. The full moon is the lunar phase that has always inspired myths and legends. During this third phase, the effects of the moon become unpredictable. So avoid arguing with your partner or arguing with colleagues, you will end up saying words you may soon regret.
  4. Waning moon, we see it as a crescent with the hump facing west. The waning moon purifies, dries, sweats, and exhales, so it is suitable for all types of house and body cleaning, making preserves, following slimming diets (you assimilate less these days), detoxifying, purifying, facing surgical operations, as well as getting rid of bad habits and attitudes.

To complete each phase, the moon takes seven days, which together make up a cycle of twenty-eight, which renews itself infinitely.

Harnessing lunar cycles through meditation

Every week, therefore, we can take advantage of lunar influences to benefit our body and our inner world. A great way to get an energy boost by intercepting lunar influences is to practice meditations taking into account lunar cycles. In addition, we have associated crystals with each phase: they emit a type of frequency that better aligns with that specific lunar phase.

  • When it is a new moon, we do not meditate. The energy of this day is dark and nervous for many people, so let's avoid tuning into frequencies that could increase anxiety and confusion. 
  • In the waxing moon phase, we focus on what we want to develop and improve in our lives. We can take advantage of this magical moment to fulfill our desires, heal physical discomforts, connect with our true work passion, overcome our fears, and intentionally charge objects with new energy. In this phase, the powers of carnelian, red jasper, bull's eye, and orange selenite crystals are very strong. 
  • During the full moon, we can take advantage of the maximum lunar power. Let's use this moment to strengthen ourselves and celebrate an intention, visualizing it in meditation. We can also prepare full moon water by simply exposing water outdoors under the light of the full moon. The water will be charged with its vital energy. For the next 28 days, we can drink it, use it to cleanse crystals, or pour it into a relaxing bath. The crystals to use in this phase are moonstone, white selenite, and white opal. 
  • In the waning moon phase, we focus on what we want to remove, eliminate, because the energy of this period is conclusive. Accompany the intentions of this meditation with physical purification: drink plenty of water, green tea, detoxifying herbal teas, fruit and vegetable juices. Also, clean up and lighten up. Let's circulate new energy within us and around us. The crystals to use are red and rainbow obsidian, morganite, and smoky quartz.

Now that we have revealed some of the many secrets that the moon hides, you are ready to start using our lunar calendar. Just keep an eye on it!

Our advice is, however, to look up at the sky every evening and learn to recognize its phases through direct observation: in a short time, the moon will become your best friend!


2020 moon calendar


Terza Luna Posted by Terza Luna
Plant Lovers