Sweet mint: women's best friend

Sweet mint: women's best friend

The names and origins of mint

The mentha viridis, commonly known as "Roman mint", is a particular variety of mint, characterized by long serrated leaves and lance-shaped stems with a reddish color. Even the blooms produced by this type of mint are different from other varieties such as peppermint, showing spike-shaped flowers with a purplish hue.
Widely used by both the Greeks and the Romans, sweet mint is still highly appreciated today in Europe, especially among the Anglo-Saxon peoples, where it is widely used in the preparation of sweet recipes and delicious healthy herbal teas. In Cuba, it is called "herba buena", emphasizing the therapeutic properties of a plant that is sometimes also called Bonamenta in Italy.

Components and vitamins: fibers and minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, and copper), flavonoids and vitamin C, A, and even D.

Use of Spearmint

Sweet mint is used in herbal medicine to naturally solve various problems that can affect both women and men. Originally from Turkey, it is known in the medical field as Mentha Spicata, which differs from peppermint in many ways. Sweet mint is widely used in the kitchen, where it is extensively used in combination with chocolate and Nutella to make delicious desserts. Fruit enthusiasts love to include sweet mint in recipes with coconut and strawberries, but the possibilities of using this type of herb in the kitchen, especially when fresh, are truly numerous.

The properties of mint are well known to everyone, but spearmint remains for many people a plant with beneficial effects not entirely clear. It is used in herbal medicine especially in case of digestive problems or to relieve inflammations and itching. Sweet mint is excellent for finding lost sleep and maintaining serenity in particularly stressful situations, and because of this quality, it is often an essential element of well-known calming herbal teas.

Sweet mint: natural medicine, ally of women

The leaves of this plant are very useful for women. As recent studies have shown, sweet mint has estrogenic properties. It is able to regulate estrogen, a female hormone produced by the ovaries, especially at the beginning of the menstrual cycle and during pregnancy (here are other herbs and herbal teas to drink during pregnancy).

These hormones, when produced, circulate in the blood acting on the uterus, ovaries, and breasts, as well as on organs such as the heart and liver. Their purpose is to regulate processes.

However, an increase in estrogen can cause a series of disorders, such as water retention, an irregular cycle, but also difficulties in conceiving a child.

Sweet mint is a very valid natural remedy precisely to keep the level of estrogens in check. But this is not the only reason why spearmint is considered by definition the "women's friendly plant".

Some studies have been conducted on patients, some with polycystic ovary syndrome and others with hirsutism. It has been shown that, after only 5 days, during which they regularly took sweet mint twice a day, the hormones began to regulate. Testosterone significantly decreased and luteinizing hormone increased.

According to the doctors who conducted the study, sweet mint can be a good alternative solution to classic medications for those suffering from mild hirsutism, which must still be diagnosed by their trusted doctor.

Fighting hirsutism with spearmint

Hirsutism is a more common problem than one might think. It occurs when a woman develops more or less dense hair in abnormal parts of the body, usually affecting individuals of the male sex.

As shown by a study conducted in Turkey, sweet mint has antiandrogenic properties and therefore can effectively combat this problem.

To obtain good and lasting results against hirsutism, it is possible to use a sweet mint herbal tea as a natural remedy. Specialists recommend taking it about 2 times a day for at least a month.
Of the 42 patients examined, those who completed the test experienced a decrease in free testosterone levels within just 30 days.

Sweet mint: a natural remedy for menstrual cycle

Most women of childbearing age experience more or less intense pain during the menstrual phase. To alleviate discomfort, it is necessary to start taking sweet mint - or one of the other herbal teas for menstrual pain that we have discussed in another article - as soon as the first pre-menstrual signs appear. An excellent solution to enjoy its great beneficial properties is to prepare a sweet mint herbal tea. The drink should be taken twice a day and its preparation is quite simple, also because buying sweet mint online is very easy, just choose from the right quality herbal and spice shops.

Preparation of Mentha Spicata herbal teas

For this infusion, you can use both dried and fresh leaves. To recognize a quality sweet mint, compared to a poorer one, from the point of view of digestive and calming properties, it will be important to ensure the integrity of the herb, in the case of leaves, and the intensity of the odor, in the case of fresh whole mint. A single teaspoon of product is sufficient to prepare our drink, which should be placed in a suitable container and left on the heat until it boils.
Let the herbal tea heat up to 100°C for about 2 minutes. Do not prolong this phase for more time because you would risk losing some of the most important organoleptic characteristics, in terms of health benefits.
Let the herbal tea cool down so you can drink it without burning your tongue or palate. Once it reaches an acceptable temperature, filter the drink and then you can drink it without any problems.
Another advantage of regular consumption of spearmint is that this substance not only relieves traditional physical symptoms associated with the menstrual phase but is also exceptional for preventing stress, nervousness, and irritability, i.e., those negative emotional aspects that women usually experience during this time of the month.

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Uses of sweet mint:

-fragrant essences to be placed in the wardrobe to keep clothes "fresh"

-flavoring for a variety of food products (in South America, it is the most appreciated taste in the production of chewing gums)

-refreshing drink to sip in addition to lemon

-during the summer as an essential component of toothpaste and oral hygiene products, due to the disinfectant and toning characteristics of this mint

-base of medicines to treat stomach pains and gas accumulation

-essential oils to inhale through steam baths

-ideal for clearing the airways and increasing mental activity

-packs for particularly oily hair

-car sanitizer, producing the dual effect of spreading a crisp and penetrating odor note and at the same time helping to combat nausea for those who suffer from driving a car.


If taken in the form of highly concentrated essential oil, it is advisable to take very small quantities or it could have harmful consequences for the renal system. When sweet mint is consumed through drinks and herbal teas, no harmful effects on the human body have ever been recorded.

Where to buy mint varieties

You can buy online the different varieties of mint on our online shop of tea, herbal teas, herbs and spices Terza Luna.

Terza Luna Posted by Terza Luna
Plant Lovers