Iroka cocktail

Iroka cocktail


For this Iroka cocktail we have chosen two exceptional ingredients from Terza Luna:

the Rooibos "Orange and Ginger"

• the Green and White Tea "Spring Snow"

Bartender's notes:

The cocktail is born from a passion for spices, gin, and fusion. The idea is to recreate a fresh and fragrant cocktail by making the most of the ingredients.

The tea infusion was extracted cold, the same process used to extract the base of the syrup reduced in a double boiler with the addition of ginger and citrus peels to not alter the scents.

Slow Iced Tea Challenge: cold tea like you've never seen before!

We selected 10 of the best bartenders in Bari and the province and put them to the test by asking them to create a cocktail based on Terza Luna cold tea to be served in their own establishment. The bartenders could choose from 6 different Terza Luna cold teas and pair them with the ingredients of their choice. They thus gave life to their personal recipe competing in the Slow Iced Tea Challenge.

Discover all the other recipes of the Slow Iced Tea Challenge!

Discover our artisanal cold teas - Cold teas without sugars, with little caffeine, and rich in antioxidants

How to prepare Terza Luna cold tea at home?

The Slow Iced Tea Terza Luna is the answer to all tea and herbal tea lovers who ask us how to make cold tea at home in the summer.

What is the recipe for Terza Luna cold tea?

The recipe for our cold teas is simple to make at home: just immerse the tea bag in room temperature water and store in the fridge for 4-5 hours. Here's how to make homemade cold tea adding a touch of authenticity to your drink.

How long can I store the cold teas?

Once the bag is removed from the infusion, the teas can be kept in the fridge for 5-6 days, the important thing is that they are contained in closed jars and that there is no sugar inside.

Terza Luna Scritto da Terza Luna
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