How to Store Spices in the Kitchen

How to Store Spices in the Kitchen

Spice Preservation: Let's Take Care of Our Favorite Flavors

In this article, we will talk about how to properly store spices in the kitchen. Take a moment to think about your collection of spices. Do you prefer to store them in a dedicated cabinet or directly on the countertop where you will use them? Are you a fan of organized drawers or a corner of the fridge dedicated to storing spices in the kitchen? Maybe, at this moment, your spices are stored in the freezer, thinking they will last longer. It's time to rethink the storage methods of your spices to prolong their shelf life and flavor. The preservation of herbs, spices, and flavors is always very important and affects the shelf life of any spice, believe it or not! That's why we had already discussed in our blog how to preserve teas, herbal teas, and infusions.

spice preservation

How to Store Spices in the Kitchen: The Perfect Place!

If you are someone who tends to use every little corner of your kitchen to have everything at hand, remember that storing spices above a radiator, on the oven, or near possible heat sources could be a serious mistake. In many kitchens, above the oven, there is a cute little wall spice rack where many of us store our spices and forget about them until we decide to add a touch of flavor to the oven-baked chicken or that delicious sauce. This is probably the worst thing you could do to your poor spices. Herbs, chili peppers, and spices, likewise, lose flavor more quickly when exposed to heat sources. In particular, herb-infused oils and some spices dry out quickly. Also, storing them near stoves, especially above them where the heat will increase during cooking, is a truly wrong decision. Steam rises during cooking, a factor that will seriously damage your spices. Furthermore, if the containers are not sealed, the air's humidity can penetrate and damage the content.

The spice rack on the kitchen counter is not a good idea; keeping them outdoors in this way means that they are very likely to get direct sunlight, which can cause faster deterioration. Herbs and spices are photosensitive, meaning they begin to deteriorate and dry out when exposed to direct light, especially if fresh.

And storing them in the fridge or freezer? Every time you remove the spices from their cold environment, they must readjust to room temperature. These temperature changes will cause condensation, shortening their shelf life. Also, where there is condensation, there could also be mold! Moldy herbs or spices must be discarded immediately.

jars for storing spices

So, How Should I Store Spices in the Kitchen?

Store herbs and spices in a cool, dry place. The ideal temperature is one that remains fairly constant, with an average of about 21°C. Also, remember to store spices away from any direct heat source: from the stovetop to the dishwasher, another heat source that many cooks forget. A good storage space for spices will keep them dry, in the dark, and away from heat.

What Should I Use to Store My Spices?

Some people prefer amber jars with airtight lids. Others prefer to use glass jars with lids, which can be easily stored in a drawer or cabinet. Some, instead, use sealable bags.

If you are unsure how long you have been storing your herbs and spices in your pantry, do a quick smell test. If you can't smell anything, then it's time to throw them away. If you can smell them but something doesn't seem right, it's better to get rid of that spice and buy a new one.


glass spice jars

What are the benefits of properly storing spices in the kitchen?

The main advantage of properly storing your spices is, in particular, being able to use them fragrant, aromatic, and fresh as if just purchased. Take care of your spices and they will take care of your food, ensuring a better taste every time you sit down to savor them.

Terza Luna Posted by Terza Luna
Plant Lovers