Matcha Buns: Recipe for Soft and Light Buns

Matcha Buns: Recipe for Soft and Light Buns

How to prepare matcha buns or mantou with matcha tea: recipe

If you are passionate about oriental cuisine, you cannot miss trying this recipe for matcha buns, the famous mantou filled with matcha tea and steamed. Imagine savoring soft and light buns, whose intense green color of the matcha dough captures the eye before the palate. These small jewels of oriental pastry are making their way into our kitchens with their delicacy and unique flavor. Traditionally, matcha buns are filled with sweet red bean paste, an ingredient that embodies the essence of many typical Eastern sweets, but the possible fillings are endless: be inspired by their versatility and get ready to discover all the secrets to make them at home.

matcha used to prepare matcha buns

What are matcha buns?

The matcha buns are leavened buns that have conquered the hearts of oriental cuisine lovers and beyond, thanks to their versatility to be sweet or savory. The secret of their charm lies in the incorporation of matcha tea, that fine green tea powder rich in nuances, which is becoming increasingly popular not only as a drink (who has never at least heard of matcha latte!), but also in culinary preparations, especially in baked goods for its ability to enrich the flavor and nutritional value of recipes.

Similar to the better-known baozi, or simply bao, in Italian cuisine, matcha buns stand out for their incredibly soft texture and their distinctive flavor, a delicate balance between the natural sweetness and the vegetal notes of matcha. It is not uncommon to find variations that play with delicious fillings or inviting toppings, while the smooth ones can be enjoyed as a delicious bread in both sweet and savory versions.

The addition of matcha to the traditional mantou bun dough not only gives a vibrant green color but also a unique taste, creating truly singular sweets. These soft buns are not only a pleasure for the eyes and the palate, but also an excellent way to take advantage of the numerous beneficial properties of matcha, such as the supply of antioxidants and the energizing effect. Matcha buns are therefore an ideal choice for those who want to introduce matcha into their diet in a simple and tasty way.

The preparation of matcha buns is simpler than you might think and the result is visually and gustatorily impactful. Whether you are an experienced cook or a novice in the kitchen, these matcha buns are a creative challenge within everyone's reach and promise to leave a memorable impression on anyone who tastes them.

The different varieties of matcha buns

Before proceeding with the recipe for matcha buns, we want to make a premise: with their versatile base, these soft buns lend themselves to an infinite number of interpretations and variations that can satisfy every palate. For lovers of classic flavors, matcha buns with red bean paste filling are a timeless choice, where the sweet balance of the cream perfectly matches the intense aroma of green tea.

Those looking for an extra touch of creaminess can be tempted by matcha buns filled with matcha or white chocolate custard, which add a velvety and rich note to the soft embrace of the bun. At the same time, for those who want something even more sophisticated, there are variations that combine matcha with fillings of fresh fruit or exotic jams, creating a surprising combination of taste and freshness.

There are also simpler versions of matcha buns, without filling, which allow you to fully appreciate the pure essence of matcha. These can be served as bread to accompany sweet or savory meals, or enjoyed alone, perhaps dipped in a cup of hot tea for a complete sensory experience.

Each variant presents differences not only in presentation but also in taste. Sweet fillings tend to balance the characteristic bitterness of matcha, while simple versions allow the herbaceous and fresh notes to shine in all their naturalness. Whether you are looking for a comfort food with a familiar taste or a gastronomic adventure that takes you far, matcha buns will surprise and conquer you with their infinite range of flavors.

Matcha buns: recipe

Ready to immerse yourself in the art of oriental pastry with a touch of bright green? The recipe for matcha buns that we are about to discover is a perfect starting point for those who want to experience the magic of these soft and aromatic buns. We will present you the basic version, without filling, to allow you to appreciate the simplicity and purity of matcha in every bite. But don't stop there: once you have mastered the base, you can unleash your creativity, adding sweet or savory fillings according to your tastes and occasions. Whether it's a delicate cream or a surprising fruit filling, each variation will transform your matcha buns into small culinary works of art. Put on your apron and roll up your sleeves: it's time to knead!


To venture into the preparation of your matcha buns, you will need simple and quality ingredients that combine to create a unique taste experience. Here is everything you need:

  • 500 grams of strong wheat flour (ideal for leavened products)
  • 250 milliliters of warm water
  • 50 grams of granulated sugar
  • 10 grams of fresh brewer's yeast or 3 grams of active dry yeast
  • 30 milliliters of vegetable oil, such as sunflower or corn oil
  • 1 teaspoon of fine salt
  • 2 full tablespoons of culinary grade organic matcha powder
  • (Optional) Powdered sugar for dusting the buns before serving

Remember: the quality of the matcha is crucial to achieve the characteristic flavor and color of matcha buns. Therefore, choose matcha from reliable sources with an aromatic profile that pairs well with the sweetness of the bun, such as the powdered matcha for sale online on Terzaluna, suitable for kitchen preparations.

Buy Matcha Tea on TerzaLuna


The creation of matcha buns begins with leavening and culminates in perfect cooking: we suggest steaming with the traditional bamboo steamer, but if you don't have one, you can bake them in the oven, although you will lose the traditional mantou-like finish.

Follow these fundamental steps to make your matcha buns:

  1. Start by dissolving the yeast in warm water and let it rest for about 5 minutes until a light foam forms.
  2. In a large bowl, sift the flour and mix it with the matcha powder to evenly distribute the color and flavor.
  3. Add the sugar, salt, and vegetable oil to the flour and matcha mixture, then gradually pour in the water with the yeast.
  4. Knead vigorously until you get a smooth and elastic dough. If the dough is too sticky, add a little flour; if it is too dry, add a little water.
  5. Cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rise in a warm place for about 1-2 hours, or until it doubles in size.
  6. After rising, divide the dough into portions of about 50 grams each and shape them into small round buns or elongated rolls.
  7. Place the buns on lightly oiled parchment paper and let them rise again for about 30 minutes.
  8. For steaming: bring water to a boil in a steamer and cook the buns for about 15 minutes.
  9. For oven steaming: preheat the oven to 180°C and place a heat-resistant bowl filled with water on the bottom of the oven to create steam; bake the buns for about 20 minutes or until golden brown.
  10. If you don't have a steam function in the oven, you can bake the buns at 180°C in a static oven for the same time, lightly spraying water before baking to help form the crust.

As soon as your matcha buns are golden and soft to the touch, remove them from the oven and let them cool on a rack before serving. Your patience will be rewarded with the first bite of these delicious matcha buns!

dough for matcha buns


To ensure that your matcha buns are a true delight for the eyes and the palate, here are some valuable tips to keep in mind during their preparation:

  • Quality of Matcha: Always choose high-quality matcha for a richer flavor and a more vibrant color. Good matcha will make a difference in the final result.
  • Ingredient Temperature: Make sure all ingredients, especially the water for the yeast and milk if used, are at room temperature to not slow down the rising process.
  • Homogeneous Dough: Take the necessary time during kneading to achieve a smooth and elastic consistency. This step is crucial for the softness of the buns.
  • Proper Rising Time: Do not rush the rising times; the matcha buns need to double in size to ensure the right softness.
  • Space between Buns: When placing them on the baking paper before the second rising, leave enough space between each bun to prevent them from sticking together during baking.
  • Controlled Baking: Maintain a constant temperature both in the oven and in the steamer to ensure even baking of the buns.
  • Cooling: Let the buns cool on a rack before serving or filling them, to prevent trapped moisture from ruining their texture.

By following these suggestions, you will be able to master the art of matcha buns and surprise friends and family with delicious and visually appealing creations. Remember that practice makes perfect, so do not hesitate to experiment and customize the recipe to your liking!

Choosing the Right Matcha

The secret to obtaining matcha buns with an unmistakable aroma and a bright green color lies in the choice of matcha. This fine powder of green tea, used both in traditional ceremonies and in cooking, comes in different qualities, each suitable for specific purposes. For baking, it is essential to distinguish between ceremonial and culinary quality.

  • The ceremonial matcha is the purest and most refined, with a delicate flavor and a brighter green hue. Although ideal for traditional hot water consumption, it can also be used in buns for a more intense taste and a richer color. However, keep in mind that this quality generally comes at a higher cost.
  • The culinary matcha, on the other hand, is specifically produced for use in cooking and pastry. With a more robust flavor that withstands high cooking temperatures, it is the ideal choice for our purposes. The color can vary from a bright green to a more opaque one; look for a vibrant shade that will give your buns a fresh and natural look that makes them so inviting.

When selecting matcha for your buns, make sure it is of good quality: check the appearance (finely ground without lumps), aroma (fresh and vegetal), and color (the more vibrant, the better). These elements will influence not only the taste but also the aesthetics of your matcha buns, turning them into true culinary masterpieces.

Buy Culinary Matcha Tea on TerzaLuna

Rising and Baking Techniques

Rising is a crucial step in creating matcha buns, as this process ensures their characteristic softness. The first phase, known as proofing, requires patience and attention. After kneading the ingredients, let the dough rest in a warm place, away from drafts, until it doubles in size. This allows the yeast to act, making the dough soft and airy.

Shaping is another fundamental technique: carefully shape each piece of dough into a smooth and round form before the second rising. This not only gives the buns their harmonious shape but also contributes to creating a uniform texture.

When it comes to baking, the oven must be **preheated** before inserting the buns. A constant temperature of about 180°C is ideal to ensure they cook evenly and develop a slightly golden crust without burning. Keep an eye on the buns during baking and, if necessary, rotate them to ensure that each side receives the same amount of heat. Remember that every oven is slightly different, so it may take some trial and error to find the exact time. Generally, 15-20 minutes are sufficient for standard-sized buns. A secret to check for doneness is to lightly tap the bottom of the bun: if it sounds hollow, they are ready to be removed from the oven and enjoyed in all their delight. ### Filling for matcha buns Matcha buns can turn into a real flavor journey thanks to the **variety of fillings** that can be inserted inside. The classic **red bean filling**, sweet and creamy, is simple to prepare: just cook azuki red beans with sugar until you get a soft and spreadable paste, which is then cooled before being used. For an even more original touch, you can add a hint of matcha powder to the filling, creating a double layer of flavor. Another option is a **creamy matcha filling**, which you can obtain by mixing cream cheese with powdered sugar and matcha powder until you reach a smooth and spreadable consistency. This filling not only enhances the taste of green tea but also adds a pleasant creaminess that contrasts with the softness of the bun. To **fill the buns**, divide the risen dough into equal portions and flatten each portion into a disc. In the center of each disc, place a generous amount of your chosen filling. Then, lift the edges of the dough around the filling and pinch them together to seal the bun. Make sure the closure is well sealed to prevent leaks during baking. Once filled, **let the buns rise again** until they are puffy and ready to be baked. Baking can be done in the oven or steamed: if you opt for the oven, remember to maintain the same recommended temperature for unfilled buns; if you prefer steaming, place the buns on parchment paper inside a steaming basket and let them cook for about 15 minutes or until they are fluffy and fully cooked. With these techniques, your matcha buns will be ready to amaze with their richly flavored heart. ### How to serve matcha buns? Matcha buns are a versatile delight that adapts to multiple moments of the day and special occasions. For an energizing and sophisticated **breakfast**, you can serve them freshly baked, **accompanied by a cup of white tea** or a light latte, which do not overpower the delicate flavor of matcha. During **afternoon tea breaks**, matcha buns pair perfectly with a chamomile infusion or a cup of black tea, creating a harmonious blend of sweetness and bitterness. If you want to turn them into a refined **dessert**, try pairing them with a cup of black sesame ice cream or a slightly sweetened mascarpone cream. This mix of textures and flavors will enhance the taste of the buns, offering a truly unique culinary experience. Matcha buns are also ideal for celebrations or to liven up traditional Japanese and Chinese festivals, where matcha has always played a central role. Do not hesitate to propose them as an **alternative to conventional sweets** during birthdays or as an elegant conclusion to an oriental-themed dinner. Their versatility makes them suitable as an afternoon snack or a snack for children, always respecting a balanced diet. On every occasion, remember that matcha buns are more than simple buns: they are an invitation to slow down and enjoy the small pleasures of life, accompanied by a cup of good tea and good company. ### Storing matcha buns To fully savor the matcha buns, it is essential to know **how to store them** so that they maintain their freshness and softness. Fresh from the oven, matcha buns are irresistible, but if you have prepared them in quantity, here are some tips for storing them at their best. First of all, let the buns cool completely at room temperature before proceeding with any storage method. If you want to consume them within one or two days, you can store them in an **airtight container** and keep them at room temperature; this way, they will maintain their softness.

For longer preservation, matcha buns are perfectly suited for freezing. Wrap them individually in plastic wrap or aluminum foil and then store them in a freezer-safe food bag. This way you can store them for about a month without losing quality.

When it's time to thaw them, remove the packaging and leave them at room temperature for a few hours or briefly heat them in the oven or microwave to restore their original softness. Be careful not to overheat them to prevent them from drying out.

By following these simple steps, you can enjoy your matcha buns as if they were just baked, whenever you desire.

Conclusions: the art of matcha buns

The art of matcha buns is a splendid example of how an ancient tradition can enrich and innovate our contemporary culinary experience. Matcha, with its vibrant color and numerous beneficial properties, has found a new expression in baking, giving matcha buns a place of honor in modern gastronomic culture.

Whether you are a fan of oriental cuisine or simply curious about new flavors, we encourage you to put on your apron, knead with love, and experiment with making matcha buns in your kitchen. You won't regret it!

Finally, we also invite you to share your experiences and your personalized versions of matcha buns with our online community on Instagram. Let's exchange tips, photos, and stories, because every recipe becomes richer when accompanied by a smile and the pleasure of sharing.

Are you ready to be seduced by the art of matcha buns?

Buy Matcha Tea on TerzaLuna


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