Rooibos: Properties, Benefits, and Contraindications of Red Tea

Rooibos: Properties, Benefits, and Contraindications of Red Tea

Rooibos tea: discover benefits and uses of Aspalathus Linearis

In the heart of the Cedarberg mountains, in South Africa, grows a reddish-toned bush that has conquered the world: rooibos. Also known as "red tea", although it does not belong to the true tea family, rooibos has earned a place of honor in the cups of natural beverage enthusiasts. Its popularity has grown exponentially thanks to its unique characteristics: natural sweetness, absence of caffeine, and a treasure trove of antioxidants. This infusion not only delights the palate with its flavor but also offers a myriad of health benefits, making it an excellent alternative to traditional tea. In this article, we will explore the secrets of rooibos, from its fascinating history to its health properties and how to prepare it to fully enjoy its virtues.


Rooibos: what is it?

Rooibos is a beverage with a characteristic red color and a sweet, slightly fruity flavor, obtained from the infusion of the leaves of Aspalathus linearis, a shrub belonging to the Fabaceae family and native exclusively to the Cederberg region in South Africa.

The name rooibos, which in the translation from Afrikaans means "red bush", refers both to its leaves, which take on a reddish hue after the fermentation process, and to the final color of the beverage. Although it is often also called "African red tea" for its similarity in appearance and preparation method to traditional tea, rooibos is something completely different; in fact, it does not come from the tea plant (Camellia sinensis) but from a shrub that produces thin needles and yellow flowers.

The rooibos plant has intense green leaves that, through the oxidation process, turn into a deep mahogany color, giving the infusion its famous reddish hue and its unique taste reminiscent of hazelnut and mallow.

Rooibos also stands out from tea for its low tannin content and for being caffeine-free, making it a sweeter beverage compared to black tea or green tea, and suitable for any time of the day.

The correct pronunciation of the term in Afrikaans is [ˈrɔɪbɒs], but wherever appreciated, rooibos is praised for its sweet flavor and numerous beneficial properties.

How is rooibos obtained? Production process and differences between red rooibos and green rooibos

The journey from the Aspalathus linearis plant to the aromatic cup of rooibos is fascinating and involves a series of meticulous steps. The process begins with the harvesting of the needle-like leaves and stem parts of the shrub. At this point, the path diverges depending on the type of rooibos desired: red rooibos or green rooibos.

To obtain red rooibos, the most common and beloved variety for its rich flavor and amber hue of the infusion, the leaves are first bruised and then subjected to a fermentation process. During this phase, the polyphenols present in the leaves oxidize, turning the color of the product from green to red. This oxidation not only changes the appearance of rooibos but also modifies its organoleptic profile, giving it that particular taste that has contributed to its fame.

Green rooibos, on the other hand, represents a less common but equally prized quality. In this case, the harvested leaves do not undergo the fermentation process. Instead, they are dried directly or quickly subjected to a heat source that stops the oxidation of polyphenols, thus maintaining the plant's original color and a more herbaceous flavor. Green rooibos is appreciated for its high antioxidant content, superior to red rooibos precisely because it avoids the chemical and enzymatic modifications typical of fermentation.

Both varieties have their admirers: some prefer the intensity and complexity of red rooibos, others choose the green for its fresh notes and nutraceutical qualities. In South Africa, the homeland of rooibos, this national drink is traditionally prepared from fermented leaves, offering an infusion with the unmistakable red color that gave rise to the name "red bush" in Afrikaans. History and origin Rooibos, with its deep connection to the land and culture of South Africa, has a history intertwined with the lives of the Khoisan people. These indigenous inhabitants of the mountainous regions of Cederberg have used it for centuries, benefiting from its properties and appreciating its taste. The knowledge and use of this drink were first documented by the botanist Carl Humberg in 1772. Over time, even Dutch settlers began to discover rooibos, adopting it as a more economical alternative to black tea that had to be imported at great expense from Europe. However, it was only in the 19th century that the consumption of this drink began to spread among the settlers. The commercial breakthrough came at the beginning of the 20th century thanks to Benjamin Ginsberg, a descendant of a family of tea merchants and a South African settler of Russian origin. Ginsberg recognized the potential of rooibos and began to commercialize it, promoting it as "Mountain Tea" and establishing a barter relationship with the Khoisan people who harvested it. In the 1930s, Ginsberg managed to convince a local doctor to experiment with the cultivation of the bush. Successful attempts paved the way for large-scale rooibos agriculture, despite the initial difficulties related to the collection of the bush's tiny seeds, which were prohibitively expensive for local farmers. It was thanks to the ingenuity of a woman working for Ginsberg that an effective solution was found for seed collection: the woman discovered, while collecting rooibos seeds, that even ants did the same, accumulating them in their nests; thus, it was possible, by exploiting the work of the insects, to collect seeds in sufficient quantities to start a stable production. From that moment on, the popularity of rooibos has steadily grown in South Africa and began to cross national borders, becoming a globally appreciated drink for its unique flavor and health benefits. Active principles and chemical composition of rooibos Rooibos is an infusion rich in nutraceutical substances that make it a real health ally. At the center of its chemical composition is aspalathin, a flavonoid in glucoside form, particularly appreciated for its health applications. This active ingredient is present in significant concentrations in the unfermented leaves of rooibos, reaching about 10%, while its quantity tends to decrease with fermentation processes. In addition to aspalathin, other active principles of rooibos include notofagin and aspalalin, both structurally related to aspalathin, which contribute to the beneficial properties of the infusion. Rooibos also contains a variety of other flavonoids such as rutin, isoquercitrin, vitexin, and isovitexin, as well as phenolic acids like caffeic acid and ferulic acid. This treasure trove of phytochemical substances is complemented by tannins, present in moderate quantities compared to other teas, giving rooibos its slightly sweet taste. The drink is also a source of vitamin C, an essential element for the immune system, and minerals like zinc, potassium, manganese, and sodium, all important for the proper functioning of the body. The polyphenols present in rooibos contribute to its antioxidant action, making it an excellent support in the fight against free radicals and in promoting cellular health. Thanks to this rich chemical composition, rooibos stands out as a drink that is not only pleasant to the palate but also beneficial for the body.

Rooibos: properties and benefits

Rooibos is a beverage that boasts a series of properties and benefits, supported by scientific research that is exploring its potential. Its antioxidant action is perhaps the most well-known and celebrated, thanks to the presence of active principles such as aspalathin and other flavonoids, which help neutralize free radicals and protect cells from oxidative stress.

In addition to its antioxidant effects, rooibos has been studied for its beneficial potential for the cardiovascular system. Some studies suggest that regular consumption of rooibos may help to normalize blood lipid levels, reducing cholesterol and triglyceride values when they are elevated. This effect translates into support in the prevention of atherosclerosis, one of the main causes of cardiovascular diseases.

Furthermore, rooibos may have a positive impact on regulating blood sugar levels, making it useful for those who need to monitor their blood sugar levels. Its lack of caffeine also makes it suitable for those suffering from insomnia or agitation, contributing to a sense of relaxation and well-being.

Regarding digestion, rooibos can be considered an ally for its soothing effect and its antispasmodic properties that can help calm gastrointestinal disorders. The beverage has also shown potential positive effects on the immune system, helping to strengthen it against external aggressions.

Rooibos is also rich in minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, essential for bone health and the body's hydro-electrolytic balance. These minerals make it a remineralizing and alkalizing beverage, ideal for naturally rehydrating the body.

Although in vivo studies are still limited and scientific evidence requires further confirmation, the nutritional profile of rooibos and the benefits observed so far position it as a healthy option to integrate into the daily diet.

Antioxidant properties of rooibos

Among the hidden treasures in rooibos, two powerful antioxidants stand out: aspalathin and nothofagin. These substances are particularly interesting for nutritional science as they have shown to play an active role in the fight against oxidative stress, that harmful process that accelerates cellular aging and can lead to a series of chronic diseases.

Aspalathin and nothofagin are recognized for their ability to neutralize free radicals, unstable molecules that damage cells causing decay and diseases. Rooibos, thanks to its richness in these compounds, can therefore help maintain a youthful body and prevent cellular oxidation.

Scientific studies have also highlighted that rooibos could have a beneficial effect in reducing systemic inflammation, a factor that often accompanies and worsens cardiovascular conditions. The beverage has been associated with heart protection, not only for its antioxidant effect but also for its ability to improve blood lipid profile.

These studies suggest that including rooibos in one's diet may be a valid strategy to support heart health and combat inflammation, thus contributing to the overall well-being of the body. With its targeted action against free radicals, rooibos presents itself as a valuable ally in our daily lives, offering us a pleasurable taste combined with significant health benefits.

Rooibos and caffeine

One of the most celebrated qualities of rooibos is its absence of caffeine, a distinctive trait that makes it an ideal choice for a wide variety of consumers. This characteristic sets it apart from many other traditional beverages like coffee and tea, which are known for their caffeine or theine levels. Thanks to this feature, rooibos is perfectly suited for anyone looking to avoid the stimulating effects of caffeine, including children, pregnant women, and individuals with particular sensitivity to this substance.

The lack of caffeine in rooibos eliminates the risks associated with its excessive consumption, such as nervousness, insomnia, and tachycardia. Furthermore, rooibos contrasts with caffeinated beverages that can increase blood pressure or cause energy spikes followed by crashes. A low-caffeine diet can contribute to a more restful sleep, a reduction in stress, and an overall improvement in well-being.

Although rooibos is caffeine-free (another name for caffeine found in tea) and may have a relaxing effect on the body, it is important to note that it is not a sedative drink. Contrary to what some believe, rooibos is not a specific remedy for insomnia. In fact, increasing mineral intake - abundant in rooibos - could even have an energizing effect on some people. Therefore, it is advisable not to consume rooibos immediately before bedtime, especially for those who suffer from sleep disorders.

In summary, rooibos offers all the pleasures of a warm and comforting drink without the disadvantages of caffeine, positioning itself as an excellent choice for those looking for a healthy herbal tea to enjoy at any time of the day.

What is rooibos used for? Ways of use

In the cultural and culinary landscape of South Africa, rooibos is much more than just a drink. Traditionally, it is served as a refreshing and restorative infusion, prepared similarly to tea and often accompanied by sugar or honey to sweeten it, or with a touch of lemon or milk to enhance its flavor. Rooibos has become rooted in South African daily life, becoming a symbol of hospitality and conviviality.

Recently, this drink has begun to gain popularity in local bars, where it is served concentrated in small quantities reminiscent of espresso, offering an intense and invigorating experience.

But rooibos is not limited to being a drink: its versatility makes it a valuable ingredient in the kitchen as well. It is superb for aromatic marinades, adding warm and slightly sweet notes to meats and fish. In the world of desserts, rooibos enriches cakes and creams with its distinctive essence. Furthermore, it is finding its way into the realm of cocktails, where it is used to create innovative drinks with an exotic touch.

In the West, appreciation for rooibos has grown significantly thanks to its health benefits. Here it is mainly consumed as an alternative to traditional tea, both for its sensory qualities and its nutraceutical properties. Preparation is simple and straightforward: an infuser or classic tea bags immersed in hot water are used to let rooibos release its characteristic aromas.

Whether enjoyed in its purest form or as a creative component in cooking and mixology, rooibos continues to demonstrate its incredible ability to adapt and enchant palates around the world.

rooibos in a spoon

Where to buy rooibos online

Rooibos, with its exotic charm and beneficial properties, is gaining more and more fans in the West. This has led to greater availability of the drink, which can now be easily found in many supermarkets and specialty stores. However, for those looking for high-quality varieties and wanting to discover the many nuances of this infusion, Terzaluna offers a wide selection of organic loose rooibos and varieties of infusions that can satisfy even the most discerning palates.

If you are a herbal tea enthusiast and want to buy rooibos online, Terzaluna makes the process simple and fast. Thanks to the careful selection of products, you can find the most sought-after green rooibos and various combinations of red rooibos that enhance the unique flavors of this drink, with various unique and special flavorings. To explore the offerings and choose the perfect rooibos for you, visit our section of rooibos for sale online. With a few clicks, you can have at home all the pleasure of a high-quality rooibos infusion, for moments of pure well-being.

How to prepare rooibos

Rooibos is an infusion with a sweet and enveloping character that can be enjoyed at any time of the day, thanks to its lack of caffeine. The preparation is simple and lends itself to variations for all tastes. For a perfect cup, it is recommended to use 2-3 grams of loose rooibos per cup of water. Pour boiling water over the leaves and let them infuse for about 10-15 minutes. The intense red color of the infusion is an indicator of the quality of the rooibos: the more vibrant it is, the better the drink.

In addition to the classic red rooibos, obtained through an oxidation process, there is also the green rooibos, less common, which does not undergo this phase and maintains a lighter color and a slightly different taste. Both can be customized with the addition of honey to further sweeten the drink, lemon for a touch of freshness, or spices to enrich the flavor.

Cold Rooibos

For a summer version or simply more refreshing, cold rooibos is a delicious alternative. Use 10 grams of rooibos per liter of room temperature water and let it steep in the refrigerator overnight. The next morning, strain the infusion and serve it cold, perhaps with some ice cubes.

Rooibos with chai spices

If you love the spicy notes of chai latte, try preparing rooibos with chai spices. You will need:

  • 1 teaspoon of Organic RED Rooibos loose
  • Chai spices (cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, cloves, a pinch of pepper)
  • 100 ml of milk
  • 100 ml of water

Toast the spices in a saucepan, add the water and bring to a boil. Add the red rooibos and wait for a second boil before adding the milk. Bring to a boil again, then turn off the heat and cover for 10 minutes. Strain the infusion and sweeten to taste with cane sugar. The result will be a sweet, spicy, and comforting drink.

Whether hot or cold, natural or enriched with chosen ingredients, rooibos always proves to be an excellent choice to accompany your moments of relaxation or energy during the day.

When to drink rooibos?

Rooibos is a versatile drink and suitable to be consumed at any time of the day. Being caffeine-free, it does not interfere with sleep cycles and can be enjoyed in the evening, before bedtime. This makes it ideal for those looking for a relaxing drink without risking insomnia or restlessness.

Throughout the year, rooibos is particularly appreciated in the colder months for its warming effect. A steaming cup of rooibos is a hug that warms the body and comforts the spirit during autumn and winter.

Regarding its benefits, drinking rooibos after physical activity can be an excellent way to rehydrate and replenish lost minerals, thanks to its mineral content. It is also recommended during menopause, in old age, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as for children, due to its safety and therapeutic properties.

Green rooibos, being rich in antioxidants and unoxidized, is ideal for combating free radicals and promoting digestion. For those looking for an energizing tonic, this drink can be an excellent choice before work or when in need of a natural aid against stress.

However, caution is advised when consuming it shortly before going to sleep, especially for those who suffer from sleep disorders. Despite the lack of caffeine, rooibos can have a slightly stimulating effect on some people. By listening to your body and your needs, you can choose the best time to enjoy the virtues of rooibos.


To fully benefit from the qualities of rooibos, it is important to pay attention to the dosage. Although there is no standard recommended amount, the daily use of an infusion prepared with 750-3000 mg of dried leaves is considered optimal. This quantity can be distributed throughout the day, depending on personal preferences and wellness goals.

Drinking more cups of rooibos throughout the day can be a way to hydrate and at the same time enjoy its benefits. It is advisable to start with a smaller quantity and then adjust the dosage based on your individual response and personal taste. Always remember that, as with any natural product, listening to your body is essential to find the right balance.

Storing Rooibos

To preserve the organoleptic qualities and benefits of rooibos, it is essential to store it correctly. Like herbal teas and tea, rooibos should be stored in airtight containers, in order to protect it from moisture and other external agents that could compromise its freshness. It is also advisable to keep these jars in dark places, away from direct sunlight, which could alter the color and composition of the leaves.

When preparing rooibos in hot infusion, it is preferable to consume it within the day. This recommendation is particularly important for green rooibos, which contains a high concentration of antioxidants sensitive to degradation over time. Conversely, rooibos prepared with the cold maceration technique can be stored in the refrigerator for about two days without significantly losing its properties. This storage method allows you to enjoy the refreshing drink throughout the day, ensuring a constant intake of its benefits.

cup of rooibos on dry rooibos

Rooibos: Contraindications

Rooibos is appreciated for its numerous beneficial properties and for being a beverage that is generally safe and free of side effects for most people. However, like any substance introduced into our body, there are exceptions where its consumption may not be recommended.

The main contraindication is related to the presence of hypersensitivity or specific allergies to the active ingredient or to any of the components of rooibos. In these rare cases, consuming this beverage could trigger allergic reactions ranging from mild skin manifestations to more severe symptoms. Therefore, if you suspect a sensitivity to rooibos or have already experienced allergic reactions in the past, it is essential to consult a doctor before incorporating it into your diet.

In general, it is always a good practice to introduce any new food or beverage into your diet with moderation, paying attention to any signals from your body and, in case of doubt, seeking advice from a healthcare professional.

Pharmacological Interactions

Rooibos is generally considered safe and free of significant pharmacological interactions. However, there are some considerations to keep in mind when consuming this beverage concurrently with certain medications or supplements.

One of the known interactions concerns the intake of iron supplements. Rooibos contains a modest amount of tannins, compounds that can bind to iron and reduce its intestinal absorption. Although the effect is less pronounced compared to black tea, which has a higher tannin content, those taking iron supplements may want to consider spacing out the consumption of rooibos from the intake of the supplement to maximize the absorption of the mineral.

Furthermore, preliminary studies suggest that rooibos may influence the activity of cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4), an enzyme responsible for the metabolism of many drugs. Rooibos could increase the activity of this cytochrome, potentially reducing the plasma levels and effectiveness of drugs metabolized through this pathway, such as midazolam. Although this interaction has not yet been fully confirmed and requires further research, it is important for patients under pharmacological therapy to discuss with their doctor the possibility of including rooibos in their diet.

In general, if you are taking prescribed medications or have specific medical conditions, it is always wise to consult a healthcare professional before introducing new beverages or foods into your routine.

Side Effects of Rooibos

Rooibos tea is widely appreciated not only for its pleasant taste and beneficial properties, but also for its tolerability and the lack of significant side effects. Unlike other caffeine-based beverages, rooibos does not cause insomnia or nervousness, making it an ideal choice for those looking for a gentler alternative.

Despite its general safety, as with any food or beverage, there is always the possibility of individual reactions. However, to date, no significant side effects related to regular rooibos consumption have been reported. Its caffeine-free nature makes it suitable for a wide range of consumers, including children and pregnant women, although in these cases, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is always recommended.

In conclusion, rooibos can be considered a safe beverage to enjoy daily. However, it is recommended to listen to your body and, in case of doubts or unusual reactions, consult a healthcare professional.


The journey through the world of rooibos has allowed us to discover a unique beverage, rich in history and beneficial properties. We have explored its South African origins, the production process that enhances its intense red color and naturally sweet flavor, and highlighted its numerous health benefits, from the richness of antioxidants to the absence of caffeine.

Rooibos emerges as a healthy and sustainable choice for those seeking an alternative to traditional tea or simply wishing to enrich their routine with a soft and enveloping drink. Its versatility makes it perfect to be enjoyed at any time of the day, both hot and cold, and lends itself to being the protagonist of moments of relaxation and well-being.

We invite enthusiasts and the curious to immerse themselves in the universe of rooibos, experiencing its various nuances and deepening their knowledge of this beverage that has much to offer. Explore, taste, and be amazed by the African red tea that continues to tell its fascinating story in every cup.

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