The most original alternatives to coffee to serve in your establishment

The most original alternatives to coffee to serve in your establishment

How to satisfy customers looking for alternatives to coffee? We propose some of the trendiest and most genuine infusions, herbal teas, and preparations to offer in your bar.

We know that for many owners and managers of bars, cafés, and establishments, one of the biggest challenges is to offer a constantly new and updated range of products that satisfy and—why not—amaze their customers, especially those looking for alternatives to coffee.

We know that coffee is an irreplaceable moment of the day for many, a moment of pause, of meeting. However, there are more and more customers looking for alternatives to our national drink because they do not like the taste, they want to reduce their caffeine intake during the day, or they do not want something hot and acidic, especially towards the end of the day.

Finding valid alternatives to coffee can be particularly difficult, especially for those who do not like the taste and do not prefer solutions like decaffeinated or ginseng coffee, for those who are intolerant, or for those who want to reduce their caffeine intake but are still looking for an energizing and exciting drink to give them the right boost to face the day.

It would be easy for us, as major tea suppliers (if you don't know us, check out the world of Terza Luna), to recommend offering tea instead of coffee: for many, tea is a valid and enticing alternative as it is a rich source of antioxidants, and in this article, we will certainly recommend some of the best teas from around the world to offer your customers the same quality and refinement as a good coffee—but we will go even further. We want to introduce you to some original alternative coffee drinks from distant lands, aromatic and unique, not only in taste and appearance but also in their health properties.

We are sure that both you and your customers are already familiar with the most classic alternatives to coffee, such as barley coffee and chicory coffee, dandelion and ginseng coffee, which is why we will not include them in this guide. Instead, we want to tell you about the most unusual and lesser-known products that can pleasantly surprise your customers with unexpected taste notes.

You will no longer have to offer the usual infusions or juices to customers asking, "What can I have instead of coffee?" Discover the best coffee substitutes and choose from our always updated alternatives, with quality, rare, healthy, and never ordinary products, the perfect solutions for your customers.

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Natural Energizing Drinks to Offer Instead of Coffee

Alternatives to coffee and cappuccino for the morning and those suitable for the whole day.

Among enthusiasts of healthy and genuine eating, natural energizing drinks are becoming increasingly popular, so much so that many bars and establishments have started to include them in their menus. In most cases, natural energizing drinks are adopted to replace coffee by those who want to quit or reduce their daily consumption, or by those who do not like the taste of espresso but are still looking for an energetic and natural alternative.

Nature provides us with a series of plants and products as alternatives to coffee that can give us mental and physical energy, and 100% natural energizing drinks are an excellent example, used in many parts of the world for millennia to enjoy their energy boost.

From yerba mate, to various types of tea (including matcha tea), to blends of plant-based milks and spices like chai, to alternative coffee preparation methods other than espresso or moka, which we are usually accustomed to, we offer some products for enthusiasts who already know them and want to enjoy these drinks not only at home but also in their favorite place, and for customers looking for coffee substitutes that tantalize their palate and sight.

Japanese Matcha Tea

To replace your morning cappuccino, a drink with the green color of precious tea leaves.

Matcha tea is a Japanese green tea that is ground into powder after a special leaf drying process. It has its roots in antiquity and Eastern tradition, where there is a traditional ceremony for matcha preparation, called the Tea Ceremony, which involves the use of special tools.

As an alternative to coffee, we started with matcha (we have several types in our online shop: check out our Matcha Terza Luna) because it is a superfood, a food - in this case a drink - that is beneficial to our body and mind when consumed. Therefore, not just a coffee substitute for your bar customers, but a healthy and rich alternative, particularly suitable for making tea (to be prepared according to the traditional method of emulsifying matcha powder) or the famous matcha latte, a cappuccino with sweeter tones, a unique flavor, and numerous benefits.

Matcha tea is extremely rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, more so than any other tea, and in addition to containing caffeine, it also contains another molecule called L-Theanine, which helps eliminate stress and relax the mind. This combined effect of caffeine and L-Theanine allows for maintaining high levels of concentration, keeping the mind focused on tasks while inducing physical and emotional relaxation.

Ultimately, an excellent coffee alternative from breakfast to late afternoon, with a sweeter taste but without sacrificing the energizing boost.

Fine and Rare Teas and Herbal Teas

As an alternative to generic green teas and fruit infusions, special teas and herbal teas from around the world.

For those who prefer warm, low-caffeine beverages to sip on, we offer special and fun alternatives to the usual fruity infusions.

Tea is already highly appreciated by customers as an alternative to coffee, thanks to the low caffeine content of many varieties. At Terza Luna, we offer fine and rare teas of the highest quality from organic and artisanal cultivations worldwide (visit the dedicated section of our online store). Surprise your customers with always new and top-quality tea varieties, in leaf form, for hot or cold infusions, or to use as a base for refreshing and unique beverages.

Japanese Teas like Sencha, one of the most well-known, produced, and exported Japanese teas, as well as one of the most precious varieties with the most beneficial properties for our body and mind, capable of improving concentration and productivity, and without unwanted effects, thanks to the low caffeine content, Gyokuro, the most renowned and rare variety, or Kukicha, for those who prefer a roasted, more woody and warming taste, without giving up on the numerous properties, but also unusual and particular teas like Vietnamese Oolong or Taiwanese Gaba tea, with beneficial effects on the relaxation of the nervous system. The balance in the caffeine content of these teas reduces the risk of what is known as "caffeine crash" or "caffeine hangover," which is the set of unwanted effects that occur after excessive caffeine intake, unlike coffee.

For customers looking for something warm and non-alcoholic, but also completely caffeine-free, one of the alternatives to coffee and cappuccino are herbal teas and infusions.

At Terza Luna, we have a wide variety of herbal teas with unique and exotic ingredients, to offer as an alternative to the usual artificial-tasting bagged infusions.

A world of teas and herbal teas for your bar

Over 700 different references, easy to buy, unavailable elsewhere. Terza Luna is the reference point for those who want a breath of novelty in their establishment. See what we have in store for you and your business!


Delicious fruit teas to drink and eat, infusions of delicious fruits with flower petals and whole flowers, berries, dried fruits like pistachios and almonds, chocolate flakes, dehydrated fruits like mango, raspberries, blackberries, pytahaya, pears, mulberries, black currants, unique ingredients like calendula, bamboo, jasmine, eucalyptus, nettles, pink pepper, and carrot flakes. Explore our vast selection and discover new and unusual flavors to meet the tastes of all customers and, why not, surprise them with something never seen before, like the blue tea obtained from the infusion of butterfly pea flower!

You can also consider serving traditional beverages and teas from distant countries, citrusy and spicy and rich in beneficial properties, such as karkadè, an infusion of hibiscus with a pleasant red color, a refreshing and thirst-quenching drink with tart tones to sweeten with sugar or honey, or rooibos, a typical South African herbal tea caffeine-free but rich in antioxidants and minerals. It is a drink that is starting to spread in Italy as well, where there are more and more enthusiasts, thanks to its peculiar taste, intense red color, and the many benefits of the drink, which lends itself to multiple preparations but can also be served pure, slightly sweetened.

Rooibos is an excellent substitute for coffee, caffeine-free, and we at Terza Luna offer it in variants enriched with delicious flavors and ingredients, such as Rooibos with almond cream or orange and chocolate.

Argentinian Yerba Mate

For those looking for alternatives with reduced caffeine content but equally energizing.

Mate - better known as yerba mate or mate tea - is the third alternative to coffee that we want to suggest to you to expand the offering of your establishment and meet the tastes and needs of all customers. Yerba mate infusion is a natural energizing drink typical of South America, specifically Argentina, rich in properties for our body. Mate is indeed diuretic, purifying, rich in polyphenols and natural antioxidants. In Argentina, it is consumed daily by the majority of the population and has recently become famous for being used by various athletes and players of the Argentine national soccer team.

It is an alternative to coffee particularly suitable for those who want to reduce caffeine consumption during the day, but do not want to give up the energizing properties. Mate contains less caffeine than coffee and the caffeine present is diluted in the different infusions that can be made with the same portion of leaves.

Similar to matcha, yerba mate, compared to coffee, has the ability to improve concentration: it is therefore an ideal drink to offer in your bar in the morning, to start the day well, or in the afternoon, to continue working or studying after lunch break, but it can be consumed from morning to evening without any problems.

Drinking mate can become a ritual when in company, and for this reason we recommend it to owners of horeca businesses and bar managers, because in addition to the particular taste and an excellent alternative to coffee, with mate it is possible to offer their customers a completely new experience. Tradition dictates that it is prepared with a matero (a dried gourd used as a container) and bombilla (a typical straw with a filter) and that it is offered to friends and consumed together.

Masala Chai

Have you ever been served a Chai Latte or a Chai Tea? Let's discover these beverages, among the most popular of the moment, as alternatives to coffee and cappuccinos.

Masala Chai is one of the most consumed beverages in the world, which has conquered Western flavors for a few decades and is regularly served in cafes and bars in the most important European cities. It is also becoming an increasingly well-known drink in Italy, and it is an excellent alternative not only to coffee, but also to classic tea. Native to India, Masala Chai, known to everyone as Chai, literally means "spiced tea" and is fundamentally composed of these two main ingredients: tea and spices. What we can define as the official Indian drink is also known as Chai Tea or Chai Latte. Its 'latte' version is certainly the most appreciated, to be enriched with cow's milk or plant-based milk and special and particular spices, a hot drink that can also be enjoyed in the afternoon and is very suitable for autumn and winter evenings.

Preparing a good chai is simple, but it requires quality ingredients. The ingredients usually include black tea, whole milk, sugar or honey, and spices (cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, star anise, pepper, ginger, fennel seeds, and many others depending on the region).

For your establishment, we have thought of a selection of the best black teas from around the world and rare and precious spices for your personalized mix. You can offer your customers a unique and aromatic Chai with a warm taste. For an even more exotic version of the classic Chai Tea, at Terza Luna we have created Chai Matcha, where the classic Chai spices blend with the properties and taste of Japanese matcha.

Kokoro Coffee

Caffeine-Free Coffee... Pink!

At Terza Luna, we are committed to offering businesses that turn to us for their tea and special product supplies quality alternatives, to introduce new and unique ingredients but also to meet the needs of customers and surprise them. For this reason, we have invented Kokoro Coffee, the pink beverage born in-house at Terza Luna with the intention of finding a valid alternative to morning coffee, but not only. It is a blend of tonic plants that helps wake up gently but also with vitality and energy in the morning.

For your customers looking for a substitute for morning espresso or cappuccino, Kokoro could be the solution: it has a valid energizing charge to wake the body up from torpor, but it does not contain any caffeine, despite the name. It is not acidic, but it is able to provide that boost that herbal tea or tea cannot offer.

Made with organic cocoa powder, Guarana, organic beetroot powder, organic whole sugar, organic cardamom, and organic cinnamon, Kokoro is a product suitable for those who want to amaze the customers of their own establishment by creating fantastic pink cappuccinos (thanks to the beetroot in the blend). What are you waiting for?! Try it now!


The elixir of long life, low in caffeine and rich in probiotic bacteria, also an alternative to fruit juices.

Among the alternatives to coffee, we also thought of including Kombucha, suitable as a coffee substitute due to its properties, but also as a substitute for other coffee alternatives such as carbonated drinks and fruit juices, which are often ordered by those who want to reduce caffeine consumption during the day or do not prefer coffee in the late afternoon hours.

Also known as the elixir of long life, kombucha is a beverage consumed in the East for over two thousand years. It is a fermented beverage made from sweetened tea that is transformed into kombucha through a special culture of yeasts and bacteria called SCOBY (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast). As we said, kombucha is obtained from tea and therefore contains a small amount of caffeine (about a third compared to a classic cup of tea), but above all, it contains L-Theanine (just like matcha) which, unlike caffeine, stimulates concentration and attention, without stressing the body and mind.

Furthermore, kombucha is known for the bacteria it contains. It is indeed a living beverage allied with our bacterial flora whose popularity is growing worldwide, precisely thanks to its beneficial properties that make it a much healthier alternative to industrial sugary drinks.

For your business, you can find it on Terza Luna in a bottle, in a handcrafted and 100% Italian product, both "neutral" and flavored with fruit and herbs.

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