Herbal teas for breakfast: natural alternative to coffee

Herbal teas for breakfast: natural alternative to coffee

In order to keep up with the day's commitments, unfortunately, we tend to sacrifice some precious hours of sleep, relying on a cup of coffee for breakfast to shake off tiredness and feel recharged.

Indeed, thanks to the exciting and tonic properties of caffeine, coffee helps to reduce morning drowsiness by stimulating the activation of the central nervous system, accelerating heart rate and increasing blood flow in the body.

However, it is not uncommon to experience unpleasant sensations shortly after drinking even just a small cup of coffee. Hypertension, nervousness, headaches, stomach acidity and reflux, intestinal heaviness, and prolonged loss of appetite are some of the side effects of excessive coffee consumption.

This happens because, when nighttime sleep ends, the body naturally produces cortisol, an energizing hormone that increases our sensitivity to alkaloids like caffeine. Therefore, by consuming this substance early in the morning, we subject our body to strong stress and compromise its well-being and balance.

Therefore, it would be preferable to enjoy a cup of coffee in late morning or early afternoon, when the decrease in cortisol levels naturally makes us feel more tired and less focused.

But what to do if in the morning we really feel the need for a drink that makes us feel more awake and gives us an energy boost?
Once again, plants come to our aid. With the right botanicals, it is indeed possible to prepare herbal teas for breakfast that make us feel energized for the day... without unwanted effects.

Do you want to discover which are the perfect herbal teas for the morning? Keep reading!


Why choose herbal teas for breakfast

Can a simple herbal tea really eliminate drowsiness?
Yes, and it does even better than coffee!

Finally, varieties of Camellia tea, green tea, and matcha tea contain theanine, a powerful water-soluble amino acid capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier and determining an increase in alpha rhythm at the brain level.

This latter, also known as the Berger rhythm, indicates the brain activity typical of a person who is awake and alert, but deeply relaxed.

On one hand, by combining with the properties of caffeine, theanine improves cognitive functions and concentration; on the other hand, its relaxing action counteracts its effects, thus favoring a reduction in the sensation of stress and agitation.

Accompanying a natural breakfast with tea or herbal tea is therefore the ideal way to gently activate our body just after waking up, ensuring constant energy levels throughout the day.

What are the best herbal teas for the morning? Let's find out together.


Starting with energizing herbal teas in the morning

Tonic and nervine plants are the most suitable for preparing energizing herbal teas to consume at breakfast.
These are botanicals capable of promoting the activation of the central nervous system thanks to the presence of alkaloids like theine and caffeine. Rich in minerals and vitamins, tonic plants also have adaptogenic virtues, reconstituting and anti-inflammatory properties essential for maintaining the well-being of our body.

Rosemary, thyme, licorice, white tea, moringa, mint, cacao, ashwagandha, nettle, and eleuthero: these are some of the herbs most suitable for preparing excellent energizing herbal teas in the morning. Let's see in detail their properties.


Thyme herbal tea

Although it is known mainly for its balsamic and disinfectant properties, thyme is also an excellent energizer. It is no coincidence that the ancient Romans used this plant to infuse themselves with courage and strength before battles.

Thyme tea is generally recommended for the treatment of inflammatory conditions of the respiratory system, such as coughs and bronchitis, to calm asthma or to counter urinary tract infections thanks to its antiseptic properties.
Also endowed with carminative virtues, this herbal tea ensures the good functioning of the intestine by eliminating excess air and liquids.

The high concentration of Vitamin A, B, and K, essential for the proper functioning of the nervous system, make thyme a plant of extraordinary invigorating and energizing efficacy, whose tonic action is enhanced by the abundant presence of caffeic acid. The latter is in fact an excellent stimulant and antioxidant, also useful in the prevention of cellular aging.

Perfect to consume during winter, this herbal tea is obtained by infusing two thyme leaves in boiling water for ten minutes. After filtering and letting it cool, you can add honey to soften its tangy taste.

Licorice herbal tea

Main ingredient of many folk medicine remedies, the therapeutic and energizing virtues of licorice have been known since ancient Egypt.

The active ingredient glycyrrhizin makes this plant a powerful anti-inflammatory and antiviral for the health of the gastrointestinal tract and liver. Rich in minerals such as Selenium, Magnesium, Calcium, and Zinc, it helps combat low blood pressure and regulate blood sugar.

Vitamin C and B vitamins, of which there is a high concentration, give this botanical a invigorating and toning power that make it the perfect solution to combat stress and fatigue.

Licorice herbal tea is perfect if you want to start the day with the right energy boost. Just put 15 grams of licorice root in a pot of water and bring to a boil to obtain a sweet licorice infusion perfect to sip in the morning.

White tea

White tea is a precious variant obtained by carefully selecting tea leaves covered with a thin whitish fuzz, letting them wither in the air shortly after harvesting.

Similar to green tea, among its nutrients are Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Vitamin C, and B vitamins. It also contains a decent percentage of caffeine (about 15 mg per 100 ml), making it the ideal beverage for those looking for a tasty and delicate alternative to coffee. The presence of other alkaloids such as theophylline and theobromine increases its energizing effectiveness and helps speed up lipid metabolism, stimulating diuresis and the elimination of excess toxins.

Rich in polyphenols, white tea also protects the brain, counteracting the onset of senile dementia, helps strengthen bones and teeth, and prevents skin aging.

White tea requires delicate preparation to preserve the properties of its leaves. It is recommended to bring 170ml of water to a temperature of 70°C, then add about 2 grams of tea to infuse for four minutes. It is important to close the teapot lid during infusion to prevent the flavor from dissipating.

At the end of the infusion, you can enjoy white tea without adding sweeteners, to appreciate the floral and fruity notes of its aroma.

Moringa herbal tea

Rich in proteins, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, moringa is a precious botanical for the well-being of our body.

The high concentration of amino acids, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, and Vitamin C makes this plant an essential ingredient in the diet of sports enthusiasts, as it provides all the necessary nutrients for the regeneration of connective tissues.

Moringa has a good percentage of quercetin, an antioxidant known for its tonic and restorative function that promotes concentration and memory and prevents the onset of degenerative brain diseases.

Useful in case of a sluggish and irritable intestine, this plant facilitates digestion by counteracting constipation or abdominal bloating and ensures the correct absorption of nutrients by acting directly on the body's metabolism.

For the preparation of an energizing moringa-based herbal tea, we can use its dried leaves or moringa powder, obtained from grinding the leaves.
In the first case, it will be sufficient to infuse the moringa leaves for about eight minutes in boiling water. At the end of the infusion, the herbal tea should be filtered and consumed immediately to enjoy the action of its active ingredients.

The moringa powder is certainly a more versatile ingredient, ideal also for the preparation of doughs, smoothies, or as a topping to flavor a simple white yogurt. To make a herbal tea, just put a teaspoon of moringa powder in a cup and pour boiling water over it, stirring carefully to avoid lumps.


Peppermint herbal tea

An aromatic herb with a fresh and pungent flavor, from peppermint we obtain an exceptional energizing herbal tea to stimulate the nervous system.

Effective herbal tea for the stomach, excellent for combating indigestion, nausea, and abdominal bloating thanks to its relaxing action on the intestine, this plant also has valuable analgesic virtues useful for relieving the discomfort of menstrual pain.

Its freshness comes to our aid when we feel tired or under strong stress, stimulating memory and promoting mental clarity. For this reason, the consumption of mint-based herbal teas is particularly recommended for students and people engaged in professions that require great concentration.

For the preparation of peppermint herbal tea, just pour a tablespoon of dried or fresh mint leaves into a saucepan of water. When the water reaches boiling, let the herbal tea infuse for about two minutes and then remove it from the heat. Once filtered and cooled, we will have an energizing herbal tea for the morning, fresh and slightly spicy, which can be sweetened with a little honey or lemon juice.


Cocoa herbal tea

Food of good mood, loved for its sweet and enveloping aroma, cocoa is a botanical that can make us feel immediately more relaxed and productive.

The revitalizing and relaxing action of cocoa derives from its high concentration of Magnesium, a mineral that promotes brain activity and stimulates the production of serotonin, the famous happiness hormone.
But the magnificent properties of cocoa do not end here!

Very rich in B vitamins, Potassium, Iron, and Calcium, cocoa is a dietary supplement with very high restorative power. Furthermore, thanks to the presence of flavonoids and polyphenols, it helps to counteract cellular aging caused by free radicals.

Cocoa contains a good percentage of caffeine, making it perfect for preparing breakfast herbal teas to replace the classic coffee.
To enjoy the benefits of this plant, it is recommended to prepare an energizing herbal tea in the morning using roasted cocoa beans. The active ingredients of cocoa, in fact, tend to spoil or disperse during the grinding process of the beans, from which the more common cocoa powder is obtained.

After boiling water in a saucepan, simply turn off the heat and add the cocoa beans, letting them infuse for about seven minutes. Once filtered, you will obtain a herbal tea with an intense and bold flavor, which can be sweetened with the addition of a teaspoon of cane sugar.


Ashwagandha herbal tea

Botanical of the Indian Ayurvedic tradition, ashwagandha is famous for its multiple restorative and adaptogenic virtues.

In its roots is the highest concentration of active ingredients, including components with anti-inflammatory, anticancer, and anti-anemic properties. Ashwagandha ensures the correct psychophysical balance of our body and is the perfect drink to consume in the morning, especially when facing periods rich in stress and changes. Its tonic and adaptogenic properties, due to the presence of the alkaloids witanine and witasomnine, help fight fatigue, calm anxiety and stress, and support brain cognitive functions, restoring calm and serenity.

Thanks to the high concentration of antioxidants, this botanical is also useful in preventing cellular aging and regulates blood pressure to counteract hypertension.

Dissolving a teaspoon of ashwagandha powder in hot water or plant-based milk results in a perfect herbal tea to start the day calm and focused. Alternatively, ashwagandha powder can be used to flavor fruit smoothies, muesli, or enrich yogurt.


Nettle Herbal Tea

A common wild plant throughout Europe, nettle is traditionally used as a natural remedy for its anti-inflammatory, diuretic, and tonic properties.

Its leaves are rich in mucilage and mineral salts, responsible for regulating intestinal functions and combating water retention by purifying the body from toxins and excess fluids.

The high percentage of Iron, Manganese, Potassium, and B vitamins makes nettle an excellent restorative. Its leaves also have a high concentration of Folic Acid, an essential nutrient for red blood cell health and proper amino acid metabolism.

Consumed regularly in the morning, nettle herbal tea provides essential nutrients for constant energy levels throughout the day. To prepare this herbal tea, simply infuse dried nettle leaves in boiling water for about six minutes. Once filtered and cooled, you will get a tea with a taste similar to spinach, which can be sweetened with a teaspoon of honey or cane sugar.


Eleuthero Herbal Tea

Known as the "plant of athletes," eleuthero is a typical shrub of Mongolia and Northeast Russia.

Its roots are rich in flavonoids, phytosterols, polysaccharides, and derivatives of caffeic acid, making this plant a powerful tonic and anti-inflammatory.

Recent research has confirmed how eleuthero's properties play an important immunostimulating role, useful for the treatment of infectious diseases and to accelerate the healing process during convalescence.

The high concentration of caffeic acid allows this botanical to be a potent remedy against chronic fatigue, exhaustion, and drops in concentration or memory.

Consuming an eleuthero herbal tea in the morning is recommended for those facing periods of intense physical or mental stress. Eleuthero can be dissolved in a glass of water. The powder can also be used to enhance fruit smoothies, smoothies, or enrich a simple yogurt. However, it is important to consume eleuthero on an empty stomach to allow our body to properly assimilate its active ingredients.


Water and ginger, water and lemon, water and turmeric in the morning: what are the benefits?

Among the most recommended herbal teas to start the morning in a healthy way are those based on ginger, lemon, or turmeric.

Although these botanicals are rich in active ingredients and essential nutrients for our body's health, do they have concrete benefits if taken as breakfast teas?

Water and Turmeric

Let's start by debunking a myth: drinking a tea made of water and turmeric in the morning does not provide any significant benefit.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is in fact liposoluble. Therefore, it is not immediately bioavailable to our body, which will actually have trouble digesting it unless accompanied by a fat. Therefore, a tea made of water and turmeric will have no effect on our energy levels or metabolism, even if consumed in the morning.

To appreciate the powerful anti-inflammatory and purifying properties of turmeric, we can consume this root as a spice, to give an ethnic touch to rice or meat dishes and to flavor vegetables cooked in a pan or in the oven.
In case of constipation or abdominal bloating, however, it is possible to dissolve half a teaspoon of turmeric powder in a small amount of coconut oil. Taken in the morning, this mixture actually has a good laxative effect.

The warming virtues of turmeric make it a perfect supplement to consume during the cold months to boost our immune system. A delicious recipe for a turmeric-based drink, rich in restorative virtues and perfect for winter mornings, is Golden Milk.

It is an ancient drink from the Ayurvedic tradition, prepared with a turmeric paste dissolved in vegetable milk.
Its recipe is simple and quick: once the turmeric paste is prepared by dissolving a teaspoon of turmeric powder in coconut oil, just add it to a cup of hot vegetable milk. After carefully mixing to dissolve any lumps, you will obtain a drink with a golden color rich in extraordinary virtues.


Water and Ginger

Considered a miraculous root for its countless therapeutic properties, ginger is certainly man's most famous natural ally.

Rich in anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, digestive, immune system and nervous system stimulating virtues, regularly consuming a ginger tea made from fresh ginger powder definitely has positive effects on our health.

The best time to drink ginger tea is definitely in the morning: unlike turmeric, the active ingredients in ginger are not liposoluble and are easily absorbed by our body.
To prepare a good ginger tea, simply dissolve a teaspoon of ginger powder in water. Depending on the freshness of the root and personal taste, you can decide to increase or decrease this dosage.
However, it is important to dissolve the ginger powder in hot water: using cold water would risk ruining its active ingredients.

The benefits of ginger tea are felt immediately: by warming our body, this botanical dissolves the physical blocks responsible for our fatigue. By reactivating our metabolism, ginger provides us with all the energy necessary to face the responsibilities of the day.


Water and Lemon

Water and lemon is probably the most popular drink in recent years. Believed to improve digestion, boost the immune system, and give perfect skin, it is recommended to consume it on an empty stomach in the morning.

Certainly, the citric acid in lemon, rich in Vitamin C and minerals, has no side effects on our body. However, the miraculous effects of water and lemon on our health are not confirmed by any scientific research.

Lemon juice, like that of most citrus fruits, has a high astringent and refreshing power. This makes it perfect, taken pure or diluted in warm water, as a remedy for intestinal colic and nausea or as a liver detoxifier. But lemon alone has no significant effect on digestion or metabolism. On the contrary, if you suffer from stomach acidity, consuming water and lemon could worsen your condition.

The cold energy of lemon also tends to slow down the release of energy in our body. It is not recommended to consume it in the morning, especially if you are sensitive to cold, preferring other tonifying and adaptogenic herbal teas instead.

However, if you like to start the day with a glass of warm water and lemon, you can enhance the effects of citric acid by adding a little grated ginger to the drink.


Herbal Teas for Breakfast... for Every Season

Replacing the classic coffee with an energizing morning herbal tea not only gives us a great number of benefits and more energy throughout the day, but it can also be a lot of fun!

The intrinsic beauty of plants lies in their seasonality: every change of season represents an opportunity to discover new combinations of herbs and flavors, awakening the natural curiosity of the body and our palate.

Adapting breakfast herbal teas to the season allows us to harmonize with Nature, aligning ourselves with the energy and generosity of the Earth. This is why it is important to vary the morning herbal teas according to the slow changes in the environment around us.

During the cold months, when it is important to stock up on warmth and boost our immune system, we prefer herbal teas based on warming herbs rich in antioxidants: ginger, cacao, eleuthero, ashwagandha, turmeric are all botanicals that prepare our body's defenses to face Winter at its best.

Spring and Summer, on the other hand, bring a desire for freshness and vitality. We can start the morning with herbal teas based on mint, moringa, green tea, or white tea to purify and refresh our body thanks to the minerals and vitamins contained in these botanicals.


Who Should Drink Herbal Teas for Breakfast?

Herbal teas for breakfast are excellent for anyone who wants to wake up peacefully and calmly, recharging slowly and balancing with the needs of their body. The waiting time for infusion, the warmth of the drink, and the energy of the plants are a necessary balm to alleviate the stress due to the frenzy of daily work rhythms.

Even when we are in a hurry and cannot find time to prepare a good energizing herbal tea, we can simply drink a glass of hot or warm water. Hydrating ourselves as soon as we wake up allows our body to reactivate after the night's rest, putting our organs and nervous system into action.

Naturally, given the gradual release of caffeine and the abundance of nutrients, energizing herbal teas in the morning are the perfect alternative for all people who suffer from insomnia, hypertension, gastric disorders, or are simply sensitive to caffeine.


Which Herbal Teas to Consume Throughout the Day?

The beneficial effects of herbal teas and infusions based on tonifying plants should not be limited to breakfast only: every moment of the day is the perfect opportunity to enjoy a moment of tranquility and recharge by sipping a hot herbal tea.

The choice of herbal teas to drink during the day depends strictly on the individual's needs. By listening to our body and connecting with our inner energy, we can easily understand if we need an energizing herbal tea, a relaxing infusion, a warm botanical, or a plant rich in cold energy.

If we need to preserve our energy to work until the afternoon, we may want an herbal tea that does not make us feel heavy and sleepy after lunch. In these cases, it is advisable to consume an herbal tea based on digestive herbs (thyme, cumin, anise), relaxing herbs (chamomile), or cleansing herbs (dandelion). These herbal teas help increase the internal temperature of the stomach and the production of hydrochloric acid, accelerating the digestive process and the absorption of nutrients. This way, glycemic drops and feelings of heaviness during the afternoon will be avoided.

Digestive herbal teas should be consumed while still hot and strictly drunk at least half an hour before meals. Consuming them cold or on a full stomach risks having effects contrary to those hoped for, weighing down the stomach and blocking digestion.
Drinking a digestive herbal tea before lunch also helps to calm nervous hunger, allowing us to consume an adequate amount of food to nourish ourselves without stressing the stomach and intestines.

Try our herbal teas for breakfast and discover a healthy alternative to coffee!

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Plant lovers