Matcha Cocoa Latte: Recipe

Matcha Cocoa Latte: Recipe

Cacao matcha latte: a tasty and energizing drink for winter

When the days get shorter and the cold starts to be felt, it's the perfect time to wrap yourself in a warm blanket and enjoy a drink that warms the body and soul. And why not try the matcha latte with cocoa, a winter beverage that captivates at the first sip? Forget about the usual coffees or high-calorie chocolates, because this drink is a delicious but not too sweet alternative capable of offering a unique and refined taste experience. The cocoa matcha latte is the perfect ally for those looking for a moment of pure comfort without giving up the many benefits of matcha tea.

matcha powder for preparing cocoa matcha latte

Cacao matcha latte: the perfect drink to start the day

Imagine waking up in the morning and, instead of the usual routine of cappuccino or coffee with milk, being able to savor something different, something that awakens the senses with sweetness and character. The matcha latte with cocoa is just that: a surprising combination of the age-old tradition of matcha tea and the intense and enveloping aroma of cocoa. This drink is not only a pleasure for the palate, but a real morning ritual that warms the heart and prepares for the day with positive energy.

The sensory notes of the cocoa matcha latte are a fascinating journey: the delicate bitterness of cocoa harmoniously blends with the vegetal sweetness of matcha, while the milk envelops everything in a creaminess that pampers the taste. It is a sensory experience that gently caresses, without overwhelming with excessive sugars, maintaining a perfect balance of flavors.

In the continuation of the article, you will discover how to prepare the cocoa matcha latte, with a simple recipe capable of giving emotions and with some variations to please all tastes: for those who never give up a fresh note, winter or summer, we will reveal the secret to transform our cocoa matcha latte into a revitalizing iced cocoa matcha latte, while for hot chocolate lovers we will propose a matcha variant, because versatility is one of the many qualities of this irresistible drink.

At TerzaLuna you can buy premium quality matcha tea for true connoisseurs. Discover our section dedicated to matcha tea and explore the varieties and accessories for traditional preparation.

Buy Premium Quality Matcha Tea at TerzaLuna

What is matcha?

Before delving into the recipe of our cocoa matcha latte, it is important to make a small digression on one of the key ingredients: matcha. In recent years, this fine and precious powdered green tea has become a real trend in the world of nutritious and healthy beverages, winning over the most demanding palates with its various variations, like the famous matcha latte. Originating from Japan, matcha is appreciated not only for its unique flavor but also for its numerous beneficial properties.

Matcha stands out as an excellent substitute for coffee, as it provides sustained energy thanks to the presence of L-theanine, which mediates the effects of caffeine, allowing it to release its effects gradually in the body. This makes it perfect for those who want to avoid the peaks of nervousness or anxiety that can sometimes result from coffee consumption. Matcha is therefore ideal to enjoy not only in the morning, for a vigorous awakening, but also in the afternoon, when seeking a refreshing break without the unwanted effects of caffeine.

Matcha Cocoa Latte: Recipe

Preparing a matcha cocoa latte is easier than you might think, and the result is a deliciously creamy and enveloping drink. To create this magic in a cup, you will need a few tools: a wide cup to hold your drink or a chawan, a chasen, which is the traditional bamboo whisk for matcha tea, and a milk frother to achieve that irresistible foam. If you don't have a chasen, no problem: you can use a blender, combining all the ingredients until you get a smooth mixture, or you can heat everything in a saucepan directly on the stove, stirring vigorously using a hand whisk.

The quality of the ingredients is essential to ensure the best possible flavor. Make sure to use high-quality powdered matcha and unsweetened cocoa to enhance the natural notes of these products without artificial additives. As for the milk, you are free to choose according to your tastes and needs: from classic cow's milk to plant-based varieties like almond or coconut milk, which will add a distinctive touch to your matcha cocoa latte.


  • 2 grams of powdered matcha tea
  • 2-3 tablespoons of warm, not boiling water
  • 150 ml of milk of your choice (cow or plant-based)
  • Organic bitter cocoa powder to taste

Buy Premium Quality Matcha Tea on Terzaluna


  • In a large cup, pour the 2 grams of powdered matcha tea.
  • Use a chasen, the traditional matcha whisk, to mix the powder with 2-3 tablespoons of warm water until you get a smooth, lump-free paste.
  • Add cocoa powder to taste and continue to emulsify with the chasen until you reach a homogeneous consistency.
  • Froth the milk until you get a creamy foam and gently add it to the matcha and cocoa mixture.
  • For those who desire an extra touch of sweetness, you can add a natural sweetener like agave syrup or maple syrup, but remember that the essence of this drink lies in the authentic flavor and natural sweetness of matcha.
  • Enhancing the matcha cocoa latte with a pinch of spices like vanilla or cinnamon can enhance the taste, or for the more adventurous, a pinch of chili can add that surprising spicy twist.

To serve your matcha cocoa latte in an aesthetically pleasing way, choose a cup or glass that enhances the richness of the color and creaminess of the drink. A sprinkle of cocoa powder on the foam can be the final visual touch, while a few fresh mint leaves will bring freshness and color. To complete the experience, accompany your drink with green tea cookies or dark chocolates that reflect its deep and bold flavors.

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Iced cacao matcha latte

For those who want to enjoy cacao matcha latte even on the hottest days, the cold version of this drink is a delicious alternative. The process is similar to the hot version, but with a pleasant refreshing twist. Start by preparing the matcha and cacao base as described earlier, obtaining a smooth and homogeneous mixture. Then, instead of adding whipped hot milk, use cold milk. Pour it gently into the cup with the matcha and cacao base, leaving space for the ice cubes that you can add as desired. Stir lightly to ensure that the drink reaches the right temperature and serve it immediately for a fresh and invigorating experience. The Iced cacao matcha latte is ideal for those looking for a summer break moment without sacrificing the intense flavor and beneficial properties of matcha.




Matcha Hot Chocolate

And for those who prefer chocolate over cocoa? For those looking for a sweeter and more enveloping experience, matcha hot chocolate is a real treat for the palate. This richer variant of matcha latte replaces cocoa powder with high-quality chocolate, such as ceremonial grade cocoa or precious criollo cocoa, known for its unique aromatic characteristics and finesse.

To prepare this delight, take the basic ingredients of matcha latte and replace the cocoa powder with pieces of criollo chocolate. In a saucepan, gently melt the chocolate in the milk, stirring until smooth and homogeneous. Separately, prepare the matcha with hot water following the classic procedure. Once ready, pour the milk with the melted chocolate into the cup containing the matcha and mix everything carefully. The result will be a dense and creamy beverage that combines the intensity of criollo chocolate with the delicacy of matcha tea, creating a harmony of flavors that warms and satisfies the senses.

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ingredients to prepare matcha latte with cocoa

Matcha Latte with Cocoa: a drink rich in properties

In addition to being a beverage with an unmistakable taste, matcha latte with cocoa is a real elixir of well-being for the body. Matcha, the green heart of this recipe, is famous for its high content of antioxidants, especially catechins like EGCG, which fight free radicals and promote cellular health. This noble tea is also renowned for its sustained energizing effect and its ability to improve concentration and attention, thanks to the presence of L-theanine, an amino acid that positively affects our nervous system.

Not to be underestimated are the benefits of cocoa, which go beyond the pleasure it gives to the palate. Cocoa is known for its stimulating and mood-enhancing properties, thanks to compounds like theobromine and magnesium. Furthermore, it contributes to cardiovascular health by promoting the dilation of blood vessels and lowering blood pressure.

The combination of matcha with cocoa not only creates a harmonious and enveloping blend of flavors but also enhances these positive health effects. Savoring a cup of matcha latte with cocoa means treating yourself to a moment of pure pleasure that goes beyond taste, nourishing the body with precious elements for our daily well-being.


In this journey through the flavors and benefits of matcha latte with cocoa, we have discovered how this beverage can be a delicious morning alternative to the classic cappuccino or latte. Now it's your turn to get your hands on, or rather, in the cup! We invite you to try preparing your version of matcha latte with cocoa at home, playing with ingredients and finding your perfect balance of flavors. And don't keep this little magic to yourself: share your creations, experiences, and recipes on social media and show us your results by tagging @terza_luna! Let's create a community of matcha enthusiasts together, exchanging tips and secrets to make every sip even more special. Happy experimenting and... enjoy your matcha!

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