Water for tea: How to enhance our tea by choosing the right water

Water for tea: How to enhance our tea by choosing the right water

Water for tea is extremely important, so much so that there are numerous studies that attest to its great importance. In fact, there is a true population of tea, called Chajin, which in Chinese means "people of tea". It is also supposed that Chajin have a particularly acute sensitivity towards their surroundings and special powers in nature (P.S. have you ever wondered what is the correct spelling of tea in Italian? Find out in our article!)

Furthermore, a Chinese saying tells us that "a great tea can be ruined by poor water, but a mediocre tea can be made great with special water", therefore, drinking high-quality water is essential; in particular, we recommend drinking water with low fixed residue, without chlorine, and energetically charged, to enjoy a great tea, also avoiding the use of plastic bottles.

The Japanese tea ceremony is the embodiment of this philosophy, that of being in harmony with nature. Every detail of the ceremony, including the setting, utensils, water, and the methods of preparing tea, are essential. Let's explore an important aspect of this philosophy: water for tea.

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water for tea

How to lower the fixed residue of water

Nowadays, there is a tendency to buy more and more plastic water bottles: we at Terza Luna are against plastic because it is a very polluting material and because during the consumption of the beverage, we ingest microplastic particles released by the bottles into the water.

The main reason for choosing to use bottled water to prepare a good tea is that the fixed residue of the water must be low, not extremely low, otherwise the tea would taste very flat, but not too high like tap water; hence, the main reason for purchasing plastic bottles for tea water.

Removing chlorine from water

To lower the fixed residue and eliminate chlorine from water, simply boil the water for 3 to 5 minutes, obviously without a lid, so that the chlorine and some of the minerals that weigh down the water evaporate. We at Terza Luna recommend boiling the water for a couple of minutes in a stainless steel pot covered until boiling, also using a kettle. Furthermore, it is important to note that water, after being boiled, can be stored in glass bottles throughout the day.

How to energetically charge water to make it 'medicine'

To charge water and make it energetically a medicine, we recommend placing rose quartz, regular quartz, or moonstone inside it. By leaving the stones in the water overnight, they release their molecular structure (a sort of homeopathic remedy). The stones are then left in the bottle, without removing them.

Another very rare and mystical way to charge water is to place it in a basin and leave it out on a full moon night to charge.

The study of Masaru Emoto

Masaru Emoto was a Japanese researcher and author who developed the theory that human consciousness has an effect on water. His theories evolved over time and are all written in his books. In fact, the scholar believed that water could react to positive and negative words or thoughts, and if polluted, it could be purified through prayers and positive imagination. His books and revelations about the mystery of water are widely known worldwide.

Dr. Masaru Emoto was an independent scientist who was very interested in this study on water. In 1992, he became a doctor in alternative medicine by studying at the Open International University for Alternative Medicine in India.

Dr. Emoto began his experiments on water molecules taken from various watercourses, ponds, and rivers. He took samples from different sources, placed them in different situations, and froze the water molecules on some slides to observe the so-called "crystal water." These microscopic images of frozen water crystal molecules were then scientifically described. After conducting a brief research, he concluded that water crystals taken from positive situations such as beautiful gratitude, music, and fresh mountain streams have better geometric shapes than those taken from negative situations.

The meaning of water and human beings

Considering the ability of water to perceive emotions, observe the surrounding environment, and transmit energies, Dr. Masaru Emoto compared humans to water because adults are made up of 70% water and a newborn of 90%. A person can be influenced by the surrounding environment just like the experimental water bottles he used in different situations. If humans have to face positive situations or listen to peaceful music, they will be serene and joyful, while if they are surrounded by negative energy made up of harsh words, offensive behaviors, and bad vibrations, they will be distant and scattered like water molecules.

Based on these results, Dr. Emoto believed in water as a living consciousness for the world. Every person is presumably a water molecule that is influenced by the energies and vibrations surrounding them.


The importance of drinking energetically charged water comes from the fact that water is fundamental for the life of the entire planet Earth. Our body is composed of 60% to 70% water, so drinking good quality water is essential. In particular, we recommend drinking water with low fixed residue, without chlorine, and energetically charged, to enjoy a great tea.

Terza Luna Posted by Terza Luna
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