Natural mosquito repellent spray recipe with tea tree oil and citronella

Natural mosquito repellent spray recipe with tea tree oil and citronella

Are you looking for natural and easy remedies against mosquitoes?

Here is the 100% natural recipe for you

Every year, with the arrival of summer, we are attacked by mosquitoes and their annoying bites. There are several natural remedies against mosquitoes, and today we suggest one that is really easy to prepare at home and has a delightful scent.

The natural mosquito repellent spray we are talking about is prepared only with natural ingredients and essential oils. So not only will you solve the mosquito problem, but you can also perfume and hydrate your skin with an effective and fragrant spray. Let's discover the recipe together.

PS: Here you can find a lot of information about aromatherapy and essential oils.



Once you have gathered all the ingredients for your natural mosquito repellent spray, put them in a bottle with a spray pump. Mix well and shake the contents until you get a uniform mixture... and it's ready.

As promised, you will have made at home in just a few minutes a 100% natural, fragrant, and affordable mosquito repellent spray.

If you are looking for the right ingredients for this natural remedy, discover our essential oils for sale online at Terza Luna.

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