How to Detoxify the Body Naturally

How to Detoxify the Body Naturally

How to purify the body with natural methods?

Some simple tips to purify the body in a 100% natural way

Spring is a crucial transition period for the well-being of our body and mind throughout the year, and it is therefore very important to purify the body from toxins, heavy metals, alcohol, and smoke. To arrive well-prepared for this new season, it is necessary to put our body, and therefore our spirit, in the right conditions to face the new season at the peak of our energy and functionality. One cycle ends and another begins. This is why it is necessary to purify the body with effective natural remedies. In this, as always, nature gives us a great hand, providing us with many purifying plants and herbs suitable for this purpose, especially for a spring purification. In the following lines of this article, we will discover together the best remedies to purify the body naturally, adopting herbs and plants rich in history that have been used for millennia as natural purifying remedies by humans.

Foods to avoid during spring purification

A good way to start a spring purification is to first be aware of the foods to avoid. If you want to purify the body naturally, it is important not to strain the organs responsible for physiological detoxification. The liver, kidneys, lungs, and intestinal system have the task of eliminating substances potentially harmful to our body and toxins. If we were to strain them with certain foods during a detox diet or a cycle of purification with natural remedies, we would nullify the benefits of the diet.

Let's see which foods are strongly recommended to avoid or at least reduce during purification:

  • fried foods
  • too much salt
  • cured meats
  • cheeses
  • sweets
  • coffee
  • smoked or excessively toasted foods
  • fatty meats
  • alcohol
  • carbonated and/or very sugary drinks

purify the body naturally in view of spring

Foods to include during spring purification

Once certain elements have been eliminated or reduced from our diet, we will be more ready to purify the body naturally.

Few of us know exactly what mechanisms our body uses to purify itself from toxins. To simplify this complex topic, let's say that it is important for our body to be in the best conditions to work: detoxification from toxins must be a process in which the body does not encounter obstacles and works and concentrates at its best. Some obstacles to the detoxification process could be, for example, a lack of trace elements or damaged liver and kidneys.

Let's see instead the categories of foods to include during a purification cycle.

Depurative Plants and Herbs

To facilitate the work of our body, it will be helpful to give ourselves a hand with a series of depurative plants and herbs that stimulate enteric secretions: bitter plants like artichoke, dandelion, gentian and aromatic herbs like rosemary, sage, summer savory, turmeric are the best depurative herbs known to man and have been used for hundreds of years. These plants with depurative power stimulate gastric secretion with the production of hydrochloric acid and pepsin, thus beginning to purify the body and lighten the workload of organs involved in this detoxification and purification process: liver, pancreas, intestines. Another fundamental organ in the purification processes are the kidneys. These organs are responsible for filtering, concentrating, extracting, and expelling catabolites (metabolic waste products) and maintaining the body's acid-base balance. To facilitate the purification of the kidneys and not strain them, it will be appropriate not to eat too much salt, avoid excess protein, and drink plenty of water. Another important action we can take to facilitate the work of our kidneys is to focus on the purification of the liver with natural methods. We will then notice an obvious improvement in kidney filtration, to which we can further help by using some depurative and draining plants and herbs:

depurative herbal tea

Depurative Herbal Teas

Depurative herbal teas are an excellent way to take in the active ingredients of the depurative plants we need, often preferable to other products: extracts, tinctures, etc. This is because in the herbal tea, we have the entire phyto-complex of the plant at our disposal.

Many of the plants and herbs listed above can be prepared as an infusion to obtain a delicious depurative herbal tea that helps purify your body naturally. If you are interested in combining the depurative, detoxifying, and draining properties of the most effective herbs, we recommend the Terza Luna depurative herbal tea. We recommend consuming our depurative herbal tea 1-2 cups a day for a period of at least 30 days.


A new article has just been released on the Terza Luna blog that delves into the topic of detox infusions where we have indicated the best plants, herbs, and natural remedies to purify our bodies. If you are interested in the topic of purification, we highly recommend reading it :)

Mother Tinctures and Spagyric Remedies

Not everyone has the time and desire to prepare two herbal teas a day for the recommended 30-day cycle of purification with natural methods. That's why we recommend to those who do not want to deal with depurative herbal teas (which are also very bitter) to use spagyric mother tinctures. These are not just simple mother tinctures. And we will never tire of emphasizing the importance and difference of a spagyric product compared to a normal hydroalcoholic extract or gemmotherapy.

An effective hydro-alcoholic extract for natural body purification is Epavin by Erbe Nobili. We recommend taking it for 40 days, 30-40 drops twice a day in a little water. We hope we have provided you with useful information on how to purify the body from toxins in a completely natural way.

Some other tips for natural detoxification

Now all you have to do is discover the wide range of detoxifying herbs available on our online store suitable for purifying the body from:

  • medications
  • smoking
  • heavy metals
  • alcohol
  • after the holidays

If you are looking for the best herbs for herbal teas and natural remedies to detoxify the body, check out the products recommended by our customers!


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