The Herb Moon: July Lunation

The Herb Moon: July Lunation

July: The Moon of Herbs

The Moon of Herbs marks the time of year when the plant kingdom is in full maturation. The herbs that will be needed throughout the rest of the year for healing, nourishing, purifying, and honoring must be collected during this period, as the Sun is at its peak and gives them its power and its Light reflected in the nighttime hours by the Moon. During this period, we must dedicate ourselves to harvesting, drying, preparing oleolites, mother tinctures, liqueurs, herbal teas... Our plant allies for the whole year! Like the Herbs, we too should take all the healing that nature offers us, charge ourselves with vital energy through the Sun, the sea, the plants, and all the colorful food that is available. It is the time of year when nature offers us more energy.

The New Moon will be on July 10 at 1:57

During this phase, the Sun will be conjunct with the Moon and will be conjunct in the sign of Cancer, bringing attention to the inner emotional sphere and everything related to emotions. In opposition, we will find Pluto in the sign of Capricorn: we will be intent on seducing or there will be the possibility of being enchanted by someone. This aspect invites us to delve into ourselves, to observe how we relate to others. Let's study ourselves a bit! Despite this important new moon in the sign of Cancer and linked to emotions, the aspects of this sky are aimed at what has to do with the mind, thought. Mercury is in the sign of Gemini and pushes us to use our head (more than our heart) in certain situations. But not only that: Mercury is in good aspect with Saturn, which supports our projects! Venus and Mars are in the sign of Leo, square to Uranus and in opposition to Saturn, urging us not to be carried away by passion and to be careful with impulsive decisions: let's always try to be logical! What this horoscope suggests for the 15 days from the new moon to the full moon is to align head and heart because the transits are positioned in such a way as to highlight the aspect of impulsiveness, but also the clear aspect needed to bring order to things.

The Full Moon will be on July 24 at 2:58

Now the position of the Moon is exactly opposite to that of the Sun and we will have a beautiful Full Moon in the sign of Aquarius. This Aquarian Moon begins to approach Saturn, a position where the stars indicate that it is time to start thinking about ourselves, our ego, and healing our wounds. Mars and Venus are opposed to Jupiter in retrograde Pisces. It indicates not to be critical and not to let ourselves be criticized, because we are particularly sensitive and delicate: we are in the midst of a moment of personal introspection. Be careful about making future investments! Mercury in the sign of Cancer, which forms a trine with Neptune in Pisces, gives us the opportunity to use this moment in our lives to emphasize creativity, imagination, inspiration. This is not the time to act but to conserve our energies, to give vent to our creativity and then bring it into the world only later. It is a beautiful moment for refreshment: those who have the opportunity to take a vacation in these days will enjoy slow, delicate, happy, carefree moments, thanks to the fact that Mercury is trine to Neptune. The slow planets in this period are almost all retrograde, except for Uranus: they indicate that we are in a moment where it is not appropriate to act, but to prepare to act. (Thanks to Barbara Mariggiò for the planetary movements of July)

Working with Solar Energy

We are very close to the summer solstice and it is very interesting to work with its energy and with the plants connected to it. First of all, let's think about what the Sun means to us. What does it represent and how do we feel its power? Astrologically, the Sun represents yourself and what makes you unique in the world. It also contains the energy of creativity, the ability to start and lead projects, and the strength and vitality to succeed. In everyday magic, the energy of the Sun is often used to quickly bring our manifestations into the world. The magic of the sun is fiery, fast, and intense, so make sure to use this energy wisely!

Solar Herbs

All herbs and flowers have planetary correspondences. The plants associated with the Sun help us restore vitality and strengthen ourselves. This does not mean that they are all stimulating; on the contrary, among them there are also some adaptogens or calming herbs to help balance the body, mind, and spirit. Usually, herbs and flowers associated with the Sun can be identified by their golden or yellow flowers. All herbs that stimulate circulation, have warming or drying properties, or help heart health are connected to the Sun and the summer solstice. We can prepare teas, tonics, baked goods, or even make infusions in oils or alcohol with the following herbs to harness their energy.


Moringa is rich in numerous nutrients such as minerals, proteins, trace elements, and polyphenols. It has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.


Nettle is known for its draining and purifying properties, making it our best ally during this period.

Siberian Ginseng

Siberian Ginseng contains eleutherosides, vitamin E, beta-carotene, essential oils, and isofraxidin, making it a powerful adaptogen and tonic that improves the body's tolerance and defenses against external agents that damage our body.


In the essence of chamomile, we find a bit of everything: vitamin C, alcohols, salicylic acid, various glucosides, resinous substances, etc. Chamomile flowers have numerous beneficial effects on the stomach, and therefore the infusion is used for its digestive benefits.


Rhodiola is an effective adaptogen that acts on our body as a remedy for situations of strong emotional and physical stress. It increases serotonin levels, the happiness hormone, and keeps it stable in the body. It improves cognitive functions, memory, and concentration. It provides more energy and allows muscles to recover from exertion more quickly. It improves appetite control.


Guarana is an energizer that helps cope better with stress, chronic fatigue, and depression. We also know it as an antioxidant, anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, adipogenesis modulator, and cognitive performance enhancer.


Ginger is widely used against nausea as an antiemetic: a simple infusion of fresh or dried ginger in water is enough. Its consumption stimulates various intestinal disaccharidases, such as sucrose and maltose. Therefore, it can be used in cases of gastritis, diarrhea, aids in the digestion of fats and sugars.


Asafoetida has antispasmodic, carminative, emmenagogic, and vermifuge properties, and is used to treat hay fever. It is an antiviral and is used for its digestive properties, as it helps eliminate intestinal gas and flatulence, and is also used to treat irritable bowel syndrome. It is a remedy for relieving constipation, cramps, intestinal pain, constipation, and flatulence.


The rose is extremely useful for the skin, soothing inflammation and moisturizing. It effectively fights wrinkles, is astringent and slightly antibacterial. It soothes pain and headaches, helps regulate mood and menstrual cycle. It relaxes and dissolves anxiety and opens the heart.


The maca has beneficial effects on the nervous system by stimulating concentration and memory. It reduces cortisol levels, the stress hormone. It increases libido in women and men. It is a supplement for male fertility. It improves mood. It is a natural anabolic. It improves learning and memory. It relieves premenstrual and menopausal symptoms.


The turmeric is an excellent liver cleanser, protects it and is very rich in antioxidants. Some ongoing independent studies suggest that it is also an anticancer agent.


The Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic plant with properties and benefits similar to ginseng, but tailored to women. It supports the body in case of stress, weakness, and fatigue, counteracts sleep disorders. It is immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory and helps with anxiety.

St. John's Wort

The St. John's Wort treats depression and improves overall health. Excellent against anxiety attacks and states of psychological suffering, apparently irrational, such as bipolar depression.

Terza Luna Posted by Terza Luna
Plant Lovers