Guide to the benefits and uses of relaxing essential oils

Guide to the benefits and uses of relaxing essential oils

Relaxing Essences: the best essential oils to fight stress, insomnia, and anxiety

A journey through scents and natural essences that can help us counteract anxiety, periods of stress, and improve our sleep. In aromatherapy, relaxing essential oils are widely used thanks to their great properties. In this article, we will discover 7 relaxing oils that can be used as they are or blended together.

The use of relaxing essential oils and ointments to alleviate states of irritation and anxiety in mind-body practices predating aromatherapy is an ancient practice, recorded since the times of the Greeks and Romans and promoted by Hippocrates in his writings. Often underestimated as aids for relaxation and calmness, relaxing essences can be used to help relieve stress, improve mood, and promote relaxed sleep, proving to be particularly effective and immediate due to how easily they can be introduced into our daily routine. There are different varieties of pure essential oils that can help with physical and mental relaxation; in this article, we will discover the properties and benefits of the most powerful essential oils for relaxation:

  • lavender
  • mandarin
  • sweet orange
  • bitter orange or petitgrain
  • melissa
  • ylang-ylang
  • Roman chamomile


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Essential Oils: What are they and how are they obtained?

Essential oil is an oily substance that represents the odorous and volatile part extracted from plants. From a chemical point of view, it consists of a complex mixture of organic molecules extracted from all parts of the plant, from flowering tops to leaves, fruits, peels, and even roots and rhizomes. Depending on the starting plant, each oil will have different organoleptic notes, colors, and densities.

The main methods of extracting essential oils are three, and they are used arbitrarily depending on the starting plant matrix.

The most common method is that of extraction by steam distillation, especially used for oils derived from leaves and flowers. In this process, the plant matrix is crossed by steam that allows the essence to escape; the steam is then collected and condensed, a process that allows the separation of the essential oil from the distilled water, oil that can be collected.

A second method, especially used in perfumery, is that of enfleurage, applied to flowers with low concentrations of essence that would be denatured by steam. It is carried out with maceration and subsequently with the extraction of the essential oil from the plant's most delicate tissues through a solid fat used as a solvent. The fat absorbs the essence producing a waxy substance called pomade, from which the essential oil is separated through dilution in alcohol.

A final extraction method is that of expression, used for fresh citrus peels (orange, mandarin, bergamot).

person using relaxing essential oil

Benefits and properties of relaxing oils

Natural essential oils are very powerful and can have various effects on the body and psyche: in general, as derivatives of aromatic medicinal plants, they have a function of prevention and enrichment of our immune system and, as in the case of relaxing essential oils, they can be excellent helpers in mindfulness practices.

Among the main beneficial properties of relaxing essential oils is the predisposition to counteract stress, anxiety, insomnia, and states of agitation. Through inhalation and topical application of some oils, areas of the brain responsible for our emotions are stimulated, achieving a release of negative sensations and relaxation of the mind. 

Read also: Natural Muscle Relaxants: What They Are, Benefits, and When to Use Them

Relaxing essences are essential in mind-body therapies to restore energy, restore physical well-being, and rebalance mood, stimulating the body. Different essential oils have different properties useful for combating various discomforts; below, we will list the most powerful relaxing oils, their benefits, and their different methods of use.

The 7 best relaxing oils

So far, we have learned what essential oils are, how they are extracted, and what benefits these calming essences have on our body and mind. Let's now specifically discover which of these scents and oils have the greatest properties against stress, anxiety, and insomnia.

lavender essential oil


The lavender essential oil, or Lavandula Vera, is among the most studied and widespread essential oils with a relaxing effect. We have already talked about its benefits in the article on natural remedies for cystitis. Extracted through steam distillation, it has various uses and properties, but it is especially known for its soothing and sedative effect.

Studies show (explore the study on the properties of lavender) how aromatherapy with lavender oil calms the nervous system, lowering blood pressure and heart rate. Particularly indicated for relieving insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, and migraines, it can be used for inhalation, both by diffusing in the environment and by sprinkling a few drops on a handkerchief for an immediate and effective calming effect, or on the pillow to promote peaceful sleep.

Lavender essential oil is also suitable for topical use; a lavender oil massage is particularly indicated for relieving cramps and contractions, but also as a natural antiseptic. In this regard, we recommend reading our article on antibacterial and disinfectant essential oils.


mandarin essential oil


The mandarin essential oil, or Citrus Reticulata, has notable relaxing and calming properties on the psyche. Extracted by pressing the peel of the citrus fruit, it promotes relaxation and tension relief and combats sleep disorders and tension.

Although derived from a citrus fruit, mandarin essence has very sweet and delicate olfactory notes and is therefore particularly suitable for children, to help them sleep. It is suggested to inhale it through environmental diffusion, or by dispersing a few drops in a warm bath.

In case of topical use, like all citrus-derived oils that have phototoxic characteristics, it is necessary to avoid exposure to the sun for a minimum of 12 hours.


sweet orange essential oil

Sweet Orange

The sweet orange essential oil, Citrus Sinensis Dulcis, is extracted by pressing the peel. With its delicate olfactory notes, this relaxing essential oil promotes sleep, fights irritability, and induces calmness, countering anxiety and nervousness.

In addition to inhalation through a room diffuser, sweet orange oil is a natural antispasmodic and is suitable for massages, adding a few drops to a spoonful of oil or cream to relax the muscles.

Similar to mandarin oil, sweet orange essential oil is phototoxic and makes the skin very sensitive, having astringent properties. Therefore, sun exposure should be avoided when applying topically.


petit grain essential oil

Petit Grain

Petit grain essential oil, or Citrus Aurantium, is obtained by steam distillation from the leaves of the bitter orange.

It is a nervous rebalancer, used to relax and instill calmness, thanks to its relaxing properties and fresh citrusy olfactory notes. It is recommended in aromatherapy for mental stress, anxiety, and irritation, to promote sleep and restore energy, fostering a good mood.

All citrus essential oils offer benefits in both environmental diffusion and massage, but it is necessary to pay attention to sun exposure due to the skin's acute sensitization caused by them.

melissa essential oil


The melissa essential oil, or Melissa Officinalis, is one of the most powerful relaxing and rebalancing essences, extracted through steam distillation.

Like lavender oil, it has calming and sedative properties on the nervous system and is particularly indicated for combating insomnia and lowering blood pressure, acting as a sedative against anxiety and agitation.

Suitable for children to calm states of nervousness, it is recommended for use in environmental diffusion, or through a massage on the temples or chest before bedtime.


ylang ylang essential oil

Ylang Ylang 

The Ylang Ylang essential oil, or Cananga Odorata, is an oil extracted through steam distillation, characterized by particularly intense, enveloping, and intoxicating olfactory notes.

It has an anxiolytic and calming effect on the nervous system, alleviating psychophysical anxiety disorders. It is recommended for use through environmental diffusion in case of panic attacks, irritability, or to relieve feelings of mental and physical fatigue. Thanks to its aphrodisiac properties (also read the article on aphrodisiac plants and herbs), it promotes harmony and helps to dissolve tension and anger, acting on blood pressure and the circulatory system.


Roman chamomile essential oil

Roman Chamomile

The Roman chamomile essential oil, or Chamaemelum Nobile, is extracted through steam distillation. Characterized by a particularly delicate fragrance, it is one of the most effective essential oils for relaxation and rebalancing, highly recommended for children, even the youngest.

It is suggested to calm irritability, combat stress and agitation, and as an antidote to insomnia, helping to relax muscles and soothe emotional disturbances.

Roman chamomile oil is very versatile and can be used both in environmental diffusion, mixed with a carrier oil (almond, olive) for massages, or ingested with a spoonful of honey, taking care of contraindications and therefore consuming no more than two drops a day.


Blends of relaxing essential oils and methods of use

Like all essential oils, relaxing essences can be used in various ways, from environmental diffusion for aromatherapy, to ingestion (to be done carefully based on specific indications), topical application, to use in the bath, from which important psychological benefits derive.

Environmental diffusion

Regarding the environmental diffusion of essential oils for relaxation, simply add a few drops of oil to the nebulizer, opting for different blends that allow you to enjoy the properties of the various oils. For a relaxing action, we recommend an exceptional blend:

  • 10 drops of lavender oil
  • 10 drops of ylang ylang oil

You can diffuse this mix of relaxing oils in the room and environment for one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening.


The ingestion of calming oils should instead be done by dispersing one or two drops, at most, of essential oil in a vegetable oil, for example, almond oil. The most suitable oils for this type of intake are lavender and melissa, which induce an almost immediate relaxing effect.

Relaxing bath with essential oils

For a relaxing bath with relaxing effects on the body and mind, we suggest this blend:

  • 3 drops of ylang ylang essential oil
  • 3 drops of Roman chamomile essential oil

Disperse this mix of relaxing oils in a large spoonful of sweet almond oil, to enjoy, thanks to the vapors, the calming effects on the skin as well as through inhalation. The same blend can be used for a relaxing massage.

To promote peaceful sleep, we suggest another very powerful blend:

  • 5 drops of lavender oil
  • 5 drops of melissa oil

In this case, we recommend mixing these oils with a spoonful of vegetable oil to disperse in a warm, soothing bath to be taken before going to bed.

foot massage with relaxing essential oils for children

Essential oils for children

Relaxing essential oils are not only suitable for adults but have particular beneficial effects on children, recommended for their 'safe' nature and delicate notes. They can be used in diffusion, for massages, or in the bath, to promote sleep or for a calming and relaxing effect.

For diffusion through an essence nebulizer, we suggest a blend consisting of

  • 8 drops of lavender oil,
  • 8 drops of petit grain
  • 8 drops of mandarin oil

This ideal oil blend for the little ones can be diffused in the nursery an hour before bedtime. The suggested doses are indicative and should always be evaluated based on the instructions of your diffuser.

A particularly suitable method of using essential oils for children is through massage, which implies an emotional involvement in response to this reassuring and comforting gesture. We suggest using a blend consisting of:

  • 2 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops of sweet orange

Again, this blend is to be dissolved in a large spoonful of vegetable oil (almond oil is suggested for its soothing and toning properties) to be used to massage wrists and spine twice a day, especially before going to bed.

Another method of using essential oils with strong psychological involvement for children is the bath, which offers benefits both in terms of skin absorption and respiratory. Therefore, we recommend a warm bath at about 38°C in which to disperse

  • 5 drops of sweet orange essential oil
  • 5 drops of Roman chamomile oil

All in a spoonful of vegetable oil or milk, accompanied by relaxing background music.

And for animals?

In this article, we have explored the properties and benefits of relaxing oils and their versatility. But calming essential oils can also be used for animals, with proven effects: they are indeed a calming agent for agitation and, as in the case of lavender oil - the most recommended - also a soothing agent for the skin.

While administration to cats is not recommended, as they are very sensitive animals, lavender oil can induce a relaxing effect in dogs. You can start with environmental diffusion, or by letting the dog smell a handkerchief sprinkled with a few drops, and if the animal shows appreciation, continue by dispersing 3-5 drops of lavender essential oil in a spoonful of olive or grapeseed oil and proceed with a massage.


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