Terza Luna

Terza Luna
Spice Themed Wedding: Ideas, Tips, and Inspiration
Ideas and Original Products for your Spice Themed Wedding: from Favors to Tableau Mariage On the most beautiful day of one's life, every bride's desire is to make the memory of that day even more unique and perfect. And that's why the search for ideas for organizing the wedding starts months, years - in some cases, decades - before the fateful "I do." Organizing a wedding is certainly not a simple task, and it's easy for the months leading up to the most beautiful day of your life to hide moments of stress and despair, but there is a trick to simplify everything: choosing a theme. Choosing a ..
Spring Detox: Herbs, Tips, and Good Practices
Spring detox: the importance of following the seasons At the end of winter comes spring. The earth is repopulated with plants. The first to sprout, which we already find from the end of winter, are calendula, dandelion, nettle, artichoke, and many other purifying plants. Surely it is a gift after the rainy and cold winter, nature seems to invite us to use these plants precisely at this time as it happens during other seasons and start our spring detoxification. It is therefore right to follow the rhythm and the indications provided by nature itself to remain in tune with it and acquire greate..
Tea and Meditation
On Saturday, April 13th we will hold a small workshop on tea and meditation. You are all invited...to Bordeaux! At the Zen Dojo in Bordeaux. We know you might already be saying "why don't you do it here in Bari", to make up for it we have written this text which is a bit of what we will talk about and experience in France. The Qi of tea Qi "literally means breath", it refers to energy, flow, movement. Qi is the movement of all things. It is also the subtle energy present in our body. Tea has its own Qi, like all things have one. When we drink a cup of good tea we are incorporating its Qi, wh..
Drinking tea outside the home: how to always bring our favorite tea with us
More tea in our life! Today, the time and space to dedicate to ourselves has become one of the rarest and most precious commodities. We all know it, and even more so at Terza Luna, when our beloved customers tell us every day that they have little time in the morning at home to prepare their delicious tea, and that when they come back in the afternoon or evening it's too late, or they simply have a thousand other things to take care of. But a good loose leaf tea is something we shouldn't give up on, even when we are away from home! And there is a reason for this, a very good reason. Tea an..
How to Burn Palo Santo and How to Light it Correctly
How to Light and Burn Palo Santo Correctly After explaining the uses and properties of palo santo, let's focus on how to burn palo santo. Let's see together the correct lighting technique and how to keep it lit while preserving the quality of the resins and essential oils it contains, and consequently the scent and aromaticity of the palo santo wood. First of all, let's explain why palo santo sticks have a specific size. You may have noticed that palo santo sticks almost always have more or less the same length and thickness. These dimensions of the wood make it easy to light the palo santo ..
Alternatives to Coffee: 7 Ways to Replace It
Replace coffee with more genuine and tasty alternatives Finding alternatives to coffee is not easy for those who do not like the taste, are intolerant to coffee, or are simply trying to reduce their intake during the day. We wrote "apparently" because instead the alternatives to replace coffee are quite a few and not too difficult to find. It would be easy for us to reduce everything to the advice that many expect, namely to use tea instead of coffee, but we will go far beyond. Yes, because in this article we want to present you some alternative drinks to coffee that we like so much, not onl..
Gaba Tea and the Positive Effects on Insomnia, Stress, and Blood Pressure
Te Gaba: a world of benefits for our body Let's discover together Gaba tea, the latest arrivals on Terza Luna The Gaba teas are a type of tea - here an article dedicated to other varieties of tea and their properties - introduced in Japan around the mid-80s. Gaba Tea was discovered by chance by Professor Tojiro Tsuchida at the Japanese National Institute of Advanced Food Research while researching the amino acid L-theanine found in tea. Tsuchida noticed that if shaded tea leaves (a process that increases the amount of glutamic acid) immediately after harvesting and before processing were vac..
Incense: Religious Meaning, Medical and Meditative Use
Incense: religious, medicinal, and meditative meanings The meanings of antiquity that incense has constituted in the history of mankind The meaning of incense in the history of different world cultures is very broad. The uses of incense date back to antiquity. It didn't take long after the discovery of fire for humans to understand that different types of wood burned in different ways, releasing different scents and odors. Before delving into the meaning that incense has had for humans in religious rituals, esoteric practices, meditative rituals, and medicine, it is necessary to explain exa..
Darjeeling Tea: Origins of the Famous Logo
Dear 'teofili', among the many topics we would like to propose to you, we thought of telling you something that still seems to hide undisclosed meanings: the logo associated with Darjeeling tea. As you can see in the image, we are facing a truly significant symbol. The female figure in the Darjeeling logo The many researches we have carried out have not led us to discover where the choice to use this brand really comes from, but it is certain that its beauty and depth are priceless. First of all, let's focus on the use of the female figure. It is fundamental because it is linked to the impor..
Gaiwan: what it is and how to use the famous Chinese tea cup
Gaiwan: what it is and how to use it! Dear 'teofili', as we like to call all those who love tea, in this article we want to talk about the Gaiwan (or Guywan), a covered tea cup, considered as the perfect method for infusing delicate teas, such as green and white teas, but still suitable for any type of tea. History of the Gaiwan The birth of the Gaiwan cup dates back to the Ming dynasty, which already in 1350, used this particular method. As described by the tea master Lu Yu, this special bowl had to be wide enough to allow infusion but at the same time small enough to be comfortably held i..
7 Natural Remedies against Mosquitoes and Bites
Mosquitoes... let's discover natural remedies to defeat them! With the arrival of the warm season, they also come back, those annoying buzzing insects, the nightmare of our outdoor evenings and sleepless nights, we are talking about mosquitoes! But how can we get rid of them without using chemical and toxic repellents? There are several natural methods to prevent these little insects from bothering us: from "anti-mosquito" plants, to essential oils, to bat-boxes, but before listing the most effective ones, it is good to learn more about these insects. In the world, there are o..
Macrobiotic Diet and Tea
Travel to discover the Japanese Teas recommended in macrobiotic nutrition What is macrobiotics? Is it simply a healthy diet? Actually, it's much more! It is a lifestyle that allows us to live in harmony with nature, starting from a healthy, balanced diet based on organic, seasonal, unprocessed products, without chemicals, preservatives, colorings. Macrobiotics, literally "long life", was conceived, in the post-war period, by the Japanese Georges Ohsawa who was inspired by the ancient Eastern Taoist medicine. According to this philosophy, foods belong to two main groups: Yin and Yang, which a..
Coffee: Ways to Make It, History, and Curiosities
How many ways are there to make coffee? What are its origins? A dive into the history of one of the most consumed beverages in the world The intoxicating aroma, the unmistakable flavor, long, short, stained, hot, cold, there are many characteristics of coffee and ways to drink it. Those who love it know that coffee is a must in their daily lives and that a break is not the same without it. But where does it come from? What is its history? Let's find out together! The coffee plant belongs to the Coffea genus, of the Rubiaceae family; from the seeds of this plant, properly roasted and ground..
How to protect your skin from the sun with natural remedies
Let's learn how to protect our skin from the sun with natural remedies and products Summer is synonymous with sun, outdoor life, the sea (for the luckiest!) and tanning. Often our skin, which has lived until recently under heavy clothing, little exposed to atmospheric agents, is not ready, especially if it is very fair, delicate, and sensitive. Let's discover together in this post how to protect the skin from the sun with natural methods. Prepare the skin for the new season The best thing to do would be to prepare our skin in advance. One of the strategies to implement is (especially for light..
Showing 155 to 168 of 251 (18 Pages)
Plant Lovers