13 Herbs for Herbal Teas that Lower Blood Pressure

13 Herbs for Herbal Teas that Lower Blood Pressure

Hypertension: herbs and spices to lower blood pressure

Today, many people suffer from hypertension, a disorder characterized by high blood pressure due to various causes. In herbal medicine, there is a wide range of natural remedies useful for dealing with this disorder. There are indeed numerous spices and herbs that lower blood pressure and that can be easily integrated into the day, taken as supplements, in recipes, or for the preparation of herbal teas for high blood pressure. In this article, we will explore together which are the most useful medicinal herbs for those suffering from hypertension and how, introduced into the diet and associated with a healthy lifestyle, they can help lower blood pressure.

woman preparing herbs to lower blood pressure in a mortar

Hypertension: herbal teas, medicinal herbs, and spices as natural remedies to lower blood pressure

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is a condition in which the blood pressure on the walls of the arteries remains constantly elevated. Hypertension is said to occur when systolic values are above 140 mm Hg and/or diastolic values are above 90 mm Hg. This condition can manifest with symptoms such as headaches, dizziness, or difficulty breathing, but often it can be asymptomatic. If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to serious complications, including heart disease, stroke, and kidney damage, highlighting the importance of proper management.

Although there are several ways to treat hypertension, including numerous medications, improving lifestyle and diet is essential. Herbal medicine offers a range of medicinal herbs and spices that can serve as natural remedies to lower blood pressure, which can be easily integrated into the diet or used in the preparation of herbal teas and infusions. However, before relying on natural remedies, it is essential to exclude other conditions that may be the cause of high blood pressure and always maintain a healthy lifestyle to ensure overall well-being.

13 herbs and spices that lower blood pressure

The list of spices and herbs that lower blood pressure is vast: nature has indeed given us numerous plants with beneficial effects on hypertension. Many of these natural remedies have diuretic, vasodilatory, or sedative effects that help counteract high blood pressure. Introducing these herbs and spices into the diet not only helps in controlling blood pressure but also represents a fundamental change for overall health, contributing to the reduction of salt consumption, often linked to hypertension. In the continuation of the article, we will delve into the fascinating world of these herbs, exploring their specific health benefits and how to prepare effective herbal teas to lower blood pressure.


Garlic, scientifically known as Allium sativum, is one of the most renowned plants for its benefits on the cardiovascular system. Its active principles, including allicin, have been shown to have a vasodilatory effect, contributing to the expansion of blood vessels and therefore favoring the decrease in blood pressure. The parts of the plant commonly used are the bulbs, better known as "garlic cloves." An effective way to take advantage of its benefits is to consume it raw in salads or as a seasoning, or take specific supplements after consulting an expert, such as the garlic supplement available on Terzaluna.

Discover the Garlic Supplement on Terzaluna


Basil, whose botanical name is Ocimum basilicum, is not only a beloved aromatic plant in the kitchen, but also a precious source of eugenol, an active ingredient that has shown properties that help lower blood pressure. Eugenol works by relaxing blood vessels, improving blood flow, and thus reducing pressure. The fresh or dried leaves are the part of the plant commonly used both in cooking and for health purposes. To enjoy its benefits on blood pressure, you can prepare a fresh salad seasoned with chopped basil leaves or drink a herbal tea made with its leaves. Remember, fresh basil retains its beneficial properties better than dried basil.


Birch, whose botanical name is Betula pendula, is a tree with multiple virtues, widely recognized for its diuretic properties and effects on blood pressure. The main active ingredients are flavonoids and tannins, which promote the elimination of excess fluids from the body, thus reducing blood pressure. This diuretic effect helps reduce blood volume, contributing to a decrease in pressure. The most commonly used parts of the plant are the leaves and bark. To enjoy the benefits of birch, you can prepare a birch tea for blood pressure using its dried leaves or bark. Just put a handful in boiling water, let it infuse for about ten minutes, and drink 1-2 cups a day.

Discover birch tea on Terzaluna


Hawthorn, known botanically as Crataegus monogyna, is a plant used for centuries for its cardiovascular benefits. The main active ingredients found in hawthorn are flavonoids and procyanidins, which act by dilating blood vessels and improving blood circulation. This vasodilatory action of hawthorn significantly contributes to lowering blood pressure. The parts of the plant traditionally used for these properties are the flowers, leaves, and fruits. To make the most of the benefits of hawthorn, you can prepare a tea using dried flowers and leaves. Just let them infuse in hot water for 10-15 minutes and drink the tea twice a day, preferably away from meals. On Terzaluna, you can find dried hawthorn leaves for sale online.

Discover dried hawthorn leaves on Terzaluna

herbs that lower blood pressure

Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba is one of the oldest and most widely studied medicinal plants in the world. Its main active ingredients are flavonoids and terpenoids, which work together to improve blood circulation by dilating blood vessels and reducing blood viscosity. This action can contribute to lowering blood pressure. The leaves of Ginkgo Biloba are the most commonly used part of the plant for its medicinal properties. Alternatively, you can take a supplement, such as the ginkgo biloba supplement available on Terzaluna.

Discover the Ginkgo Biloba supplement on Terzaluna


Ginger, scientifically known as Zingiber officinale, is a root famous for its healing properties. Its main active ingredients are gingerols and shogaols, known for their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Ginger acts as a vasodilator, helping in the dilation of blood vessels, which can contribute to lowering blood pressure. The ginger root is the part of the plant that is mainly used for its properties. To enjoy the benefits of ginger on blood pressure, you can grate a fresh piece of root and add it to a cup of boiling water, letting it steep for about 10 minutes, or use the ginger cut herbal tea available on Terzaluna. Consuming this tea once or twice a day can help maintain balanced blood pressure. Alternatively, ginger can be incorporated into recipes using powdered ginger.

Discover the Ginger Powder on Terzaluna


Red Vine

Red Vine, scientifically known as Vitis vinifera, is appreciated not only for wine production but also for its leaves and seeds, rich in health benefits. The most notable active ingredients are polyphenols, particularly resveratrol, which possess powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These compounds promote greater artery elasticity and improved blood circulation, contributing to lowering blood pressure. It is mainly the leaves and seeds of the red vine that are used for therapeutic purposes.

To benefit from the properties of red vine, you can consume supplements based on red vine seeds available on the market. Alternatively, for a more natural approach, you can prepare an infusion with dried leaves: add a handful of leaves to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for about 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to drink this tea once a day to promote balanced blood pressure.

Olive Tree

The Olive Tree, whose botanical name is Olea europaea, is an ancient plant that represents one of the main resources of the Mediterranean. The active ingredients contained in olive tree leaves, such as oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol, are powerful antioxidants that help dilate blood vessels, consequently improving circulation and contributing to lowering blood pressure. The leaves of the olive tree are mainly used to harness these benefits.

To enjoy the virtues of the olive tree, you can prepare an infusion with its dried leaves: put a small handful of leaves in a cup of boiling water and let them steep for 10 minutes. This tea can be consumed once or twice a day. Alternatively, supplements based on olive tree leaf extract are also available, providing a practical solution for those who want to benefit from its properties without having to prepare the infusion.

Buy Olive Leaves on Terzaluna


The Carcadè, also known as hibiscus or red hibiscus, has the botanical name Hibiscus sabdariffa. This plant is particularly appreciated for its antioxidant, diuretic, and vasodilatory properties, mainly thanks to the flavonoids present in its flowers. The antioxidants in Carcadè help fight free radicals in the body, while its diuretic properties help reduce blood volume, consequently lowering blood pressure. Vasodilation facilitates blood circulation, helping to maintain blood pressure in balance.

To benefit from its properties, the calyces of dried Carcadè flowers are used, which you can purchase at Terzaluna. One of the most common ways to enjoy the benefits of Carcadè is to prepare an infusion: steep a handful of dried flowers in a cup of boiling water and let them infuse for 5-7 minutes. This beverage can be consumed hot or cold and is ideal for refreshing on summer days. A tip: you can also add a pinch of cinnamon or ginger for a richer flavor and additional health benefits.

Buy Carcadè on Terzaluna

Bacopa monnieri

The Bacopa monnieri, also known as Brahmi in Ayurveda, is a medicinal plant traditionally used to improve memory and reduce stress. Its botanical name is Bacopa monnieri. The triterpenoid saponins, called bacosides, are the main active compounds present in the plant and are believed to be responsible for its beneficial effects on blood pressure. These compounds help dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow, and consequently reduce blood pressure. Moreover, they have shown anxiolytic properties that can help reduce stress, a factor that can contribute to hypertension.

Mainly the leaves and stems of the plant are used. An effective way to benefit from its properties is to use Bacopa monnieri powder. It can be easily mixed into beverages, such as herbal teas or smoothies, or added to yogurt and foods. It is recommended to start with a small dose and gradually increase, always keeping in mind the recommended doses. It is essential to consult a doctor or an herbalist expert before introducing Bacopa into the diet, to ensure it is used in the safest and most effective way possible.

Buy Brahmi powder on Terzaluna


Cardamom, also known as "Elattaria cardamomum" in its botanical name, is a fragrant spice that has gained popularity not only for its unique flavor but also for its medicinal properties. The main active compounds in cardamom are terpenes, esters, flavonoids, and tannins. These compounds play a role in lowering blood pressure due to their diuretic and vasodilatory properties. They contribute to better circulation and the elimination of excess fluids and sodium from the body, thus promoting a decrease in blood pressure.

The seeds inside the small green or black pods of the plant are used. To benefit from the advantages of cardamom on blood pressure, it is possible to add it in the form of powder or whole seeds to various culinary preparations. A refreshing and healthy drink can be prepared by grinding cardamom seeds and adding them to a cup of tea or hot milk. Consume regularly to make the most of its hypotensive properties. However, as always, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional before making significant changes to the diet.

Buy organic cardamom on Terzaluna

herbs and spices to lower blood pressure


Tea comes from the plant "Camellia sinensis" and is one of the best herbs for lowering blood pressure. This ancient plant is the basis for various tea varieties, such as green tea, black tea, and oolong tea, depending on the leaf processing method.

Many wonder whether tea raises or lowers blood pressure: the main active compounds in tea are polyphenols, particularly catechins, which have demonstrated antioxidant properties. These substances help dilate blood vessels, improving circulation and lowering blood pressure. Additionally, tea contains theine, a substance similar to caffeine, which has a mild diuretic effect, further contributing to blood pressure regulation.

The young leaves and buds of the plant are harvested and used to produce the various tea varieties. To enjoy the benefits of tea on blood pressure, it is recommended to regularly drink one or two cups a day. To prepare a cup of tea, pour boiling water over the tea leaves in a teapot or infuser and let it steep for a few minutes, depending on desired strength. It is important not to steep the tea for too long, as it could become too strong and bitter. Preferably consume without sugar or with natural sweeteners to maximize health benefits.

Discover Terzaluna's premium tea selection


Celery Seeds

Celery seeds come from the plant "Apium graveolens". These small seeds have a history of use in traditional medicine for various conditions, including hypertension. The main active compounds in celery seeds are phthalides, which help relax blood vessel tissues, facilitating better blood flow and reducing blood pressure. Additionally, they have diuretic properties, helping the body eliminate excess salt and fluids, further contributing to lowering blood pressure.

Although the entire celery plant can be used for culinary and medicinal purposes, dried seeds are particularly useful for treating hypertension.

To enjoy the benefits of celery seeds, they can be ground and added as a seasoning to salads, soups, or other dishes. Another popular method is to prepare an infusion with the seeds. To do this, take a teaspoon of crushed celery seeds and add them to a cup of boiling water, letting it steep for about 10 minutes. It is recommended to drink a cup of this infusion a day to fully benefit from its effects on blood pressure.

Herbal Teas that Lower Blood Pressure

At Terzaluna, you can purchase a specific herbal tea for hypertension, made from olive, hawthorn, and melilot, three plants that, as we have seen, are an excellent remedy for those suffering from high blood pressure or cardiac arrhythmia, suitable for those with heart conditions. The taste of this herbal tea is very pleasant, evoking honey. The herbal tea for hypertension helps naturally lower high blood pressure. However, it cannot replace the necessary medications to regulate blood pressure but acts as a support.

Discover the Terzaluna Herbal Tea for Hypertension

Not just herbal teas: other tips to lower blood pressure

Hypertension is a complex issue, influenced by numerous factors that go beyond simply consuming herbs and herbal teas. In fact, a comprehensive approach to managing and preventing hypertension should consider a wide range of lifestyle aspects.

  • Quit smoking: Cigarette smoke can temporarily narrow blood vessels and increase blood pressure. Quitting smoking can have a direct effect on lowering blood pressure.
  • Limit alcohol consumption: While a glass of wine a day may have beneficial effects on the heart, excessive alcohol consumption can raise blood pressure and reduce the effectiveness of antihypertensive medications.
  • Manage stress: Practices like meditation, deep relaxation, and mindful breathing can help reduce stress, which is a known risk factor for hypertension.
  • Maintain a healthy weight: Excess weight, especially around the abdominal area, can increase the risk of high blood pressure. Even losing a small amount of weight can make a big difference.
  • Exercise regularly: Physical activity, such as walking, swimming, or cycling, can help maintain or reduce blood pressure.
  • Limit salt intake: A high-sodium diet can contribute to hypertension. It is advisable to reduce the consumption of packaged and processed foods, which are often high in salt.
  • Adequate potassium intake: A diet rich in potassium can help balance the amount of sodium in cells, helping to lower blood pressure.

Finally, it is essential to remember that self-management does not replace medical advice. If high blood pressure issues are suspected or if already under treatment for hypertension, it is essential to regularly consult a doctor and carefully follow their recommendations.

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